And so it begins: Desantis' assault on trans people

So, a complaint has been filed against a restaurant in Florida citing a 1947 State Supreme Court decision.

According to the article, the video shows what appears to be a transgender dancer leading a young girl by the hand and walking through Respondent’s dining area,” the complaint states. “The dancer’s buttocks were fully exposed, and his ‘g-string’-style bikini bottom was stuffed with dollar bills — a practice that is commonly known to occur at strip clubs. The dancer’s breasts — unmistakably female in appearance — were also fully exposed… which were covered with adhesive ‘pasties.’” ¹

Now, I admit I find that troubling, BUT I would also point out that this is not a captive audience at school. This is a business, on a Sunday. Presumably, no children are there without parental approval.

And as is now customary in this wretched country, they are receiving baseless accusations and threats.

Finally, I think this is, at least in part, politically motivated.

So what is it folks? Is this overreach by Desantis? Or, is it somehow different? Remember, we don’t like government interferring in our parenting OR our businesses.


¹-This can be seen at their twitter account. It is as bad as you think it is.


If it is as bad as I think it is, as you say, then the state needs to step in and protect the children, even possibly from their parents.
I suppose this is where Twitter gets all upset if someone says “groomer”.
Ummm…do you really see this as an attack on trans people…like if they can’t strut their stuff to children, can they ever be free?


Going by OP description this sounds like sexual child abuse.

The state should stop it.

Adults can do whatever they want.


The longer DeSantis feuds with Twitter, Disney, or weird clubs, the longer he can avoid talking about anything hard. Two more years of this is going to be awful.

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manifestly injurious to the morals or manners of the people.

These kind of laws are outrageously unconstitutional. Not surprised to see conservatives dusting this off.

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How old was the girl in question? Young girl could cover a wide age range.

However with that said I would not be comfortable in taking my children even as adults to a female strip joint so a drag show where the queens seem to be effectively imitating strippers would also be out for me.

Not sure that it amounts to child abuse though.

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Parental control… except when there is not.

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Well I suppose when the commander in chief is a pedo you have to defend this sort of thing if you are in his party.


Are parents allowed to bring their children into strip clubs? Even if it’s ok with the parents, are they allowed? If you find this “troubling”…then listen to yourself because you are correct and where parents are failing, they too must be properly guided in this instance.

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Let’s be crystal clear here: protect the children from what, exactly? Butts, boobs, and pasties?

Absolutely. That is a very serious charge to level, especially if based as it is on nothing more than “behavior we don’t like”.

Of course it is an attack. On the face of it, this is an assault on the performer’s 1st Ammendment, as well as the parent’s rights to raise their children as they see fit.

Agreed. I think Desantis would really like to see his name as a plaintiff on a culture war case such as this at the Supreme Court.

That would nicely burnish his culture war bona fides.

Aa above: butts, boobs, and pasties are child abuse?

Very. I suck at this kind of thing, but I’d guess 2-3?

Again: a very grave and serious charge to level so casually without evidence.

No, parents can’t bring kids into strip clubs, and that’s not what this was either. There was no nudity.

Which is to say, there was no functional difference between this and a swimsuit competition.

yes. a good non-leftist non-maniac non-mentally ill parent knows it best not to expose your child to adult themed sexual content and nudity

thank god above there are a couple people in govt left who realize this

but hang in there your sodom/gomorra world is coming quick


“The dancer’s buttocks were fully exposed, and his ‘g-string’-style bikini bottom was stuffed with dollar bills — a practice that is commonly known to occur at strip clubs. The dancer’s breasts — unmistakably female in appearance — were also fully exposed… which were covered with adhesive ‘pasties.’” ¹

Uh, huh. :roll_eyes: :-1:


Yes, the legal action should be against the parents.

Then again, just as night clubs are often required by law to refuse admittance to underage patrons, so too should burlesque establishments.

I contend that the push to immerse kids in this crap is also politically motivated.