And just like that, Birtherism is back

What is Trump’s policy on birtherism?

I think we know Harris’.

He has no birther policy. Doesn’t exist.

Since that’s settled we can touch on some irrelevant issues.

You just can’t stand that I won’t answer your silly hypothetical question. Now you’re putting words in my mouth to somehow force an answer? Nope. Just keep trying.

Hey its not my thread. :wink:

Loud and clear. You know that she don’t get paid. It’s not even a question.

Sorry you’re afraid to be honest about it with everyone.

But still, loud and clear.

I tried to help you get it back on policy.

Birtherism never left.

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Keep at it!

I’m being honest. I don’t care about a hypothetical question because it’s hypothetical and as I’ve said numerous times I don’t agree with reparations, at least in straight monetary form.

And look who’s leading the post count. That crazy bird from Baltimore.

kamala needs her 40 acres and a mule.

I say no way.

I just don’t think anyone can justify jamaicans getting reparations for American slavery.

Fair enough.

A lot can happen in a year. He could get impeached. Primary challengers would come out of the woodwork then.

Republican Senate means he’s not getting impeached. Both sides need to drop that fantasy.

There will be no primary challengers. The GOP belongs to Donald.

No, the House can impeach him. It would be enough to get challengers.

Assuming Gallup is accurate, the last polling shows 89% of registered Republicans approve of Donald.

GOP politicians aren’t going to do anything to jeopardize their careers. So far as the GOP primary goes, Donald is as safe as a kitten.

Has he been impeached by the House?

What difference would that make, either in terms of his presidency or the GOP primary?

You attribute too much principle and courage to the average GOP politician. Until Donald’s favorability within the party falls below 30%, everyone will tuck tail and toe the line.

Trump is a birther. Remember when he lied about sending investigators to Hawaii?

That team of researchers is still in Hawaii, and finding some amazing things. Donald plans to reveal them next Wednesday, two weeks tops.

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Ok, if you say so.