Birther-like challenges based on a black woman’s parents, supported by bots…
Weird how no one cares about the white candidate’s parents…
Birther-like challenges based on a black woman’s parents, supported by bots…
Weird how no one cares about the white candidate’s parents…
Yeah, it seems like it’s coming back. Just yesterday on this forum, I found out that you’re not black if you are a Jamaican.
I really don’t know who this is supposed to work for?
Black people? White People?
Who in their rig/ht mind is going to for real argue that being of Jamaican heritage does not make you black?
Well…you put your finger on it…“who in their rig/ht mind”.
When the man at the top is dumber than a rock he drags the whole country down with him.
The only argument I’ve seen being made is that she is not African-American. She’s not.
Who is saying she’s not black? I mean besides “outraged” libs?
Is she or is she not a black-american?
Who is saying she’s not black? Besides you guys?
Better question is… who the ■■■■ cares?
She is black. Period. She is of African descendant and is currently an American.
If she is not a descendant of American slaves she has no business representing herself as one.
No one else has any business doing so either. It’s a lie.
Just discounting her Indian heritage altogether to put her in the victim category is a sham btw.
Try reading the link in the OP. Right-wing idiots are the ones. Including Donzo Jr.
In your opinion, is Kamala harris a black American, yes or no?
Link to Don Jr. claiming she isn’t black??
Did you see the link in the OP? Why is Dumb Donzo even asking the question?
She’s American with a mixed heritage. And while I’d enjoy playing games with you about it, I’ll just say, sure, she’s black. No one is questioning that, besides libs.
He’s not asking the question.
Link to Don jr. “asking the question”??
I guess this needs to be spelled out for you even though it’s clear in the OP link.
The attack appeared to be launched by a self-described “black activist” identifying himself as “Ali Alexander” on an unverified Twitter account. He claimed in a video and tweet that Harris cannot represent the black experience in America because she has “no ancestors who suffered American Slavery, the Civil War, nor Jim Crow.”
Alexander is actually a far-right political operative and conspiracy theorist Ali Akbar, or Ali Abdul Razaq Akbar, whom Politico profiled last year as an “increasingly prominent pro-Trump supporter.” On the eve of the 2016 election, Robert Mercer donated $60,000 to a PAC that Alexander advises, Politico reported.
Why do you think he brought it up?
I don’t care what color people are. My husband LOOKS white but is Hispanic. No one I care about cares either. Our family is a melting pot of all different ethnicities!