An epidemic of monkeypox has appeared right on schedule, just a coincidence?


I heard that too. Not much to worry about for most of us then.

What, their leather masks didn’t protect them?

Are they?.. But hey, you got your LGBTQ hit in for the day. Im sure the under the blanket missionary, socks on crowd are happy …lol

From your link.

“Monkeypox is not a sexually transmitted disease, but it can spread through intimate contact during sex when someone has an active rash”

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Actually I think it was a hit on folks engaging in sex with multiple partners. If that happens to be a significant trait in the LGBTQ+ community, oh well.

LGBTQ hit in for the day ?



It’s not homophobic to spread the truth,

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If they didn’t get them you’d be complaining about that. You KNOW I’m right.

It sounds like the most promiscuous among us are the most at risk.

Of course you’re right.

And the swindling and money laundering operations continue at our federal head.



Yeah, kind of like aids, or any other disease that can be passed during intimate contact. I had a tech who voiced that Aids was a punishment from God against gays. I voiced my opinion that it was a punishment against promiscuous behavior, and that non-promiscuous persons could catch it from a promiscuous significant other was simply proof to the fact that promiscuous behavior has consequences for more that those being promiscuous.


The look on their faces is so appropriate to this thread.

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Okay, an STD given special circumstances like a rash up the pooper pipe or on the Willy.

You know how stupid this sounds.

Take it up with the author of the article.

You are the one perpetuating the contradiction.


Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. And that is why control freaks detest federalism . . . it is an obstacle to controlling and subjugating the people completely.

Which you have adopted and perpetuated as your opinion. Can’t you ever take responsibility for what you post?

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Cool, a deflection. Bright shiny objects are fun no?