An epidemic of monkeypox has appeared right on schedule, just a coincidence?

The Monkeys have risen up. Theyve created a virus in their labs and have unleashed it on the world…


Good luck getting the consent of the governed again.

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Can we please burn all the wuhan labs out there?


fauci do told


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this will end fauci

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Since the collapse of the Libyan government there have been boatload after boatload of sub-Saharan African migrants heading to Europe (for over a decade). Since this disease is normally found in sub Saharan West and Central Africa, it isn’t to hard to figure where it came from and how it likely got to Europe. And as a disease easily spread through close contact, it shouldn’t be a surprise that it spreads among populations that routinely engage in intimate acts with multiple partners. It also shouldn’t be a surprise that being monogamous doesn’t protect you if your partner isn’t monogamous, as you aren’t just sleeping with them, but also everyone else they have been with in the last couple of years.

And this is about 80 confirmed and 50 suspected cases world wide, out of 6 billion plus. Really? People travel from Central and Western Africa, all over the world, by plane, daily. You don’t have to travel to it, it can easily travel to you.

Yep. “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.”

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Gay Related Immune Deficiency … the name for AIDS before Fauci and company did everything they could to insist there would be a general population breakout, even ghoulishly trotting out that kid who got it through a transfusion despite the fact they had opposed stopping homosexuals giving blood and helping setting up the conditions for the boy to get sick.

Unfortunately with the RNC’s going along to get along crowd it’s more like “fool me ten, fifteen times, that’s still shame on you.” on so many things. They could have 95% of the House and Senant and still be sending out fund raising letters saying they need a strong majority to stop the Democrats.

Wasn’t aware of that. Thanks.


What makes a Supreme Court opinion legitimate is when it is in harmony with the text of our Constitution and its documented legislative intent which gives context to its text.

You nasty heathens. :rofl:

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Ok, who ■■■■■■ a monkey?


I remember the Great Monkeypox Outbreak of 2003. It was wide spread panic in the streets. All the toilet paper was gone the hoarding was so bad. People were locked down in their homes waiting for the end. Except for the employees required to work so the rest of the country could still get their Starbucks and take out. People were turning in friends, neighbors, family you name it for possibly having seen a monkey near their homes or place of business.

It was pandelerium people!!!

Seriously, I am curious how the CDC is going to handle this outbreak in relation to the one of 2003 (yes there really was one minus all the satire/sarcasm above) and see just how political this becomes compared to that one.

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CDC won’t. They’ll just let the WHO take charge.

Oh hey, forgot about that new little wrinkle. I stand corrected. Our new overlords will handle it this time.


. Seems the most at risk are in our sexual deviant community.


They are not “liberals” or “progressives”. They are Authoritarian Revolutionaries, the very kind who took over Cuba and now rule over the people with an iron fist.