An Act Against God(AAAG)

I know the story.

I know the Jewish perspective of this. I don’t know your perspective.

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The first woman defied God by wanting to be equal to Adam. God commanded her to be subservient to Adam as Eve was also commanded to be. She defied him. Of course that was taken out. Society today does not support that idea. It’s also why your scripture adds that Eve is subservient because she was made FROM Adam. God is infallible but he certainly won’t make that mistake again like he did with that first woman who was made from the dirt just as Adam was.

It’s also why Adam was kicked out of paradise right along with Eve. Instead of putting her in her place as God commanded of every husband, he gave in to her and also bit into that apple in defiance of God.


Not the Jewish take on it.

Of course not. For the same reason it was removed from your version.

Doubt it. The lesson was that Eve was taken from Adam’s side for her to remain at his side (equally). No one was higher nor lower than the other.

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Because the first woman would not serve Adam. What are the biblical vows for Christian weddings? Honor and obey. Just because the story has changed, some of the old tenets are still very much in place.

We see this in one of Paul’s letters. Everyone remembers what he said to wives. Anyone take to heart what he said to the husbands?

Completely missing the point. It’s cool. I’m not trying to convince you or anything. I gave up on that a long time ago. Don’t take my word for it. Just don’t take the word of your church either. Or do. I don’t really care. But at least admit you aren’t questioning what they tell you if that’s the case. I don’t believe in your God. Doesn’t mean there isn’t one. A better one.

You can’t claim to be a Christian and not be a hypocrite.

You don’t believe in a Being of pure love? If you met Him, you would have no doubt.

Your God, if we’re talking about the same one in your Bible, isn’t “pure love.” Pure love isn’t casting down any who defy him into eternal damnation and torment. That’s the opposite actually. Do parents send their children away to be indefinitely tortured when they inevitably defy them? Why not? I mean if that’s pure love, why not?

Plagues, floods, holy wars, crusades. All pure love. Which also begs the questions, if your God is eternal, why does he need to mete out death to a bunch of mortals who are dying at some point anyway when he can simply wait for them to die and judge them in the afterlife? Omnipresent? If he created them wouldn’t he already know they were going to turn evil? Omniscient, right? And if he’s omnipotent, why hasn’t he simply stamped out evil after so many failed attempts? Kind of seems like more mistakes from your infallible, all powerful, all knowing, eternal God. Or perhaps they weren’t mistakes at all but rather simply malevolence. Which again is the exact opposite of pure love.

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How do you process the Bible? From your own perspective, or from the perspective the original author intended? Have you studied the theme of each story?

My recommendation: Meet God, then read the Bible. Before you form any conclusions, they try to meet the author and understand what he was trying to say to his original audience.

Don’t you mean authors? You do realize your Bible wasn’t written by one man but several, right?

I mean: When you read a Bible story (you do only read one story at a time, don’t you), try to meet the author. (Keep in mind several books have several authors.) What is that author’s theme? Who was his original audience?

I prefer the truth to stories. Funny thing about truth, it doesn’t raise questions. It answers them. Because it’s the truth. Now stories on the other hand…

Now speaking of stories, who was the one who ran around telling stories all the time in those stories of yours? I know it wasn’t God. Who was it again? I believe God used to place bets with him.

There was a time stories were told to present a truth in an unforgettable way.

Of course there were. And then several years later those stories were changed by other men in their quest for power. Human nature. Also created by your God, who is infallible. So suppose the real test is knowing that all religions are ■■■■■■■■ and still believing in God anyway? The real God. The fallible one who makes mistakes and still loves us even though we make mistakes too. Not the made up one that the churches are pushing that damns everyone who even questions him because he is infallible. The malevolent God who is never wrong. Be afraid of that God, or else.

Speaking of the devil and angels who don’t have free will, how was it he defied God again if it was literally impossible for him to do so without free will exactly? Can you explain that one? Because I can. It’s a fairy tale. Good and evil are manmade constructs just as religion is. It’s all made up ■■■■■■■■■ Made up by other people who seek to control the rest of the people.

Odd way of introducing or presenting God.

Why? God created us in his image or what he thought we should be. The best lies always contain a bit of truth mixed in. Always. That God is infallible is certainly a huge whopper.

Personally, I believe THIS is hell. The good news is it’s only temporary. God certainly isn’t here on Earth and I would argue that “Heaven” could just as easily be the same paradise our Adam and Eve were kicked out of. Just like someone else we both know.