Americans deeply pessimistic about the state of the country and economy

Sadder than a Kamala Harris campaign? Or another Clinton run?

Iā€™m having a no ā– ā– ā– ā–  Sherlock moment.


Can you hear the cackling?

ā€¦thenā€¦consider who is after Kamala and thatā€™s even scarier yet.


What happened to our promised utopia? What happened to all the great things people were saying about Joe Biden? My favorite was ā€œheā€™s the man of our time.ā€ I thought government spending was the key to prosperity? What happened to the 2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill?

Perhaps if we re-elect Biden, import a few million more illegal aliens, send a few $Billion more to the Ukraine, pay $7.00 gal. for gas, stop eating food, and all take a 4th. Covid shot, things will get better.


Forget Utopia, what happened to Americaā€™s nap?

I was kind of hoping for AOC.

That assumes the establishment wing of the party is the current puppeteer. Progressives have little influence in the court, are about to suffer political losses in the legislature, and probably in state and local elections. Executive power will be all they have left. Harris isnā€™t controllable. As Vice President, she has no power, but an entirely lucid President Harris would reign over the executive branch. She isnā€™t very capable, but she is cunning and devious, with a temper probably worse than Brandonā€™s. Not the type to suffer a puppeteerā€™s dictates.

In a strange way I think that would be a good thing. What I donā€™t want is for the Democrats to survive the disaster they have created, blame it all on Biden, then go back and regroup to attack us again.

A President Harris would absolutely spell the end of the Democrat Party as we know it, and I think that would be worth the pain we would endure. .

Ideologies always live to fight another day.

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Preciselyā€¦and thatā€™s what we are fighting here. Dangerous ideologue.

You are probably right about that, but I donā€™t think we should allow the Democrats to just put the blame on Biden, or retroactively on Trump, and then just go on their merry way.

They need to pay a huge political price for what they have done to this country.

Jeez, now itā€™s something else when you put it like that! :rofl:

Stocks are continued itā€™s free fall, inflation is running rampant and gas is starting to shoot up again.

Nice job libsā€¦