American students are being kicked out of their school to house migrants!

1-2 days? No big deal. A week or more that would be a problem.

They aren’t criminals They followed our amnesty laws and presented themselves at our border. They are here legally.

I agree we should process them faster and hope you are pressuring your reps to pass the ill that contains funding for just that.

A tent in NYC versus the plains of central america?

Ok. Can’t help you then.

As long as not your kids they are expendable.

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They are and you know it. In fact they are international criminals as they broke the laws of every country they crossed to get here. Along with outs.


Only thing I want funded is their greyhound ride back to the southern border.


Absolutely true.

School nutrition programs are vital to success.

I’ve taught my kids that sacrificing to help others is a virtue.

No, they are not. If they didn’t have an amnesty claim, they would be deported.

They are here legally, having followed our amnesty and immigration laws that allow them to make the claim.

Even its other people doing the sacrificing.

I fact that is how it always is with leftists. Generous with other people’s money, stuff, etc

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No - I taught them that sacrificing themselves to help others is a virtue.

Hey. Why on the Ashley Babbit thread the leftist nantra is “if she wasn’t there, she wouldn’t have died”. Why is it different with illegals? According to leftist babbit ligic if the illegals hsd not cone here, they wouldn’t be cold in the storm.

Its just this garbage that confirms leftists have no consistency in their thoughts or actions.

Just whatever fits the narrative of the day.


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They are abusing our amnesty laws while enriching the Mexican drug cartels…data shows an overwhelming majority do not have legitimate amnesty claims. Bill Melugin on Fox has interviewed several migrants at the border asking why they are coming they talk about jobs not amnesty.

Thanks to the first America Last president in history, Biden our southern border has been overwhelmed, so now not only are we being overrun with illegals, but their court dates are being set 8-10 years from now.

If a responsible adminstration takes charge and acts to remove these people in the country illegally I assume you will be leading the howls of racism and xenophobia and all the rest.

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Oh really? Is it your kids school that they closed?

If not them you are offering other peoples children’s education.

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Sorry but cons should be happy to see a public school closed for any reason. One less day of indoctrination.

Spare me the fake outrage, 1 or 2 days of a school closed is not making American citizens second class citizens.

Now you will have a point if a few days turns into a few weeks or remote learning becomes a more permanent feature because the school building is now been used to house illegal immigrants. You will hear my outrage loud and clear but until then its a nothing story.

You’re really stretching here.

That school had 4000 students…it’s safe to assume I suppose that most are American citizens, that their parents pay taxes to support their education. Especially since the actual parents of those kids have been speaking out angrily about what was done to them, so literally who cares what anyone on this forum says since they are the ones directly effected.

That’s 4000 teenagers sent home to pretend to do remote learning or to meander out into the street, that’s 4000 sets of parents who at the last minute had to call theilr employers or customers and cancel…Shutting down that school was wrong. Period.

But now the precedent has been set…I linked multiple stories above from multiple cities about illegal immigrants being prioritized in various ways over and over again…Smartest guy in the room Libs on this forum of course ignored all that.

Leftists need to quit treating our kids education like a disposable item.


Not really.

Just pointing out the typical leftist trait that they are only generous with other people’s stuff. In this case you are oh so eager to offer up other people’s children’s school to convince yourself you are oh so compassionate.
Typical leftist jibber jabber.

Want to be compassionate, house them in YOUR kids school. Or better yet, practice what you preach and welcome them into your home.

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Children have always been expendable to leftists.

Amusing hiw you went straight to that.

But we are discussing hiw lefties are so generous with other peoples stuff.

Oh so willing to displace other peoples children to convince themselves they are so compassionate and generous.


You realize your posts on topic have nothing to do with the topic right? You get that?