American students are being kicked out of their school to house migrants!

More of the Democrats vision for US Taxpayers!

So much for one’s hard earned tax dollars being used for their benefit.

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I just read that. How ■■■■■■ up can this country get during just one Administration?

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Americans are truly second class citizens to these migrants!

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Not sure that one or two nights in a school is that big a deal. Hardly going to impact any ones education. It is not unusual to use school gyms for temporary shelter from adverse weather conditions.

However if it is longer or schools start to be used on a more regular basis then that is problematic.

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So they are being “kicked out” for a day? Possibly two?

Someone find my pearls. They need a clutchin’.


With public schools considered indoctrination centers by the right then shouldn’t remote learning from home actually be preferable as it minimizes the possibility that a teacher will convince them they are gay or to have a sex change.

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You funny guys apparently haven’t had your own children live through the “remote learning” debacle. Worked out fine didn’t it? US students are nearly 2 years behind still.
■■■■ the illegals let ‘em go back to wherever they’re from.

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Get back to me when this temporary replacement for a day or two results in students remote learning for several weeks or months. For now its nothing more extraordinary than the school closing for adverse weather which happens every year to thousands of schools around the country.

My Lord…this is unacceptable.


This ridiculous border disaster is costing New York something like 20 million a month. Last year the Biden border disaster was costing the country over 400 billion a year…that was several hundred thousand illegals ago…so you and I are probably on the hook now for close to if not over 500 billion a month.

I wonder how quickly this forum’s stupid people…aka the Biden apologist libs will start making dimbass excuses for this nonsense.

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…so you swallowed that? K…let’s talk again Friday and I may have some pearls for sale? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Post number 4 for the idiotic excuses…

Surprised it took you folks that long.

American students? democratic mothers simply made the wrong choice… embrace the new democratic voting class

There is one common sense approach to this…

Seal the damn border and stop letting the cartels sell access to our country to these people who have no business being here.


How is it an idiotic excuse? One-two days is not an issue for a school being used to shelter individuals from adverse weather. It is not unusual. If this was local residents using the school because of bad weather it would not be an issue to anyone. Its because of who is it using it.

Like I said if it becomes longer or schools are started to be used for longer term shelter I will agree that is a problem and not acceptable.

Giving up your school so that others may find shelter during a serious storm seems like a charitable and thoughtful thing to do.

Good lesson.

I suppose if you see yourself as a second class citizen things like this are perfectly fine. Furthermore, this is not just a one or two day thing as it represents the continuation of the impact on having an open border.

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How? You seem to think this is a one off…something that isn’t happening in some way shape or form all over the country.

This wasn’t a damn snow day…it was the sons and daughters of the people who pay the taxes to run the schools being told to go home so a bunch of illegals who shouldn’t even be here could have their building.

American citizens are sick of it.

In my home state of Texas large parts of southern cities are being and have been overrun.

Chicago residents have had it…Residents upset over plan to house migrants at Chicago park - CBS Chicago

Health resources in Denver are running thin and migrants have re introduced Chicken pox among other illnesses to town…

More and more American towns and cities are discovering they lack the resources and room to house these people. As cities struggle to house migrants, Biden administration resists proposals that officials say could help - CBS News

I could go on and on…When is enough enough for you people? When will you lunatic lefties recognize that Biden’s policy to intentionally flood America will illegals are making the Mexican drug cartels rich while costing the taxpayers and legal citizens of this country a half a trillion dollars a year and drastically effecting the quality of life for many Americans.

This nonsense story isn’t some one off…this kind of thing is becoming a far to regular occurrence…

Fortunately most Americans are way smarter than the “smartest guy in the room” liberal stupid person class.

“Most American believe that the situation at the border is a crisis or a serious problem, according to a new poll.

The new CBS News poll found that 45 percent of Americans see the border situation as a crisis, and another 30 percent view it as a serious problem. Eighteen percent said that the border situation is somewhat serious, and 7 percent said it is not much of a problem at all, according to the poll.”. Most Americans in new poll see situation at border as a crisis, serious problem | The Hill

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Exactly. This is a continuation of Biden’s open border policies. When you look at the negotiations all the Democrats are proposing is hiring people to process more phony asylum seekers into the country faster along with amnesty. They are perfectly fine with the US incessantly absorbing millions and millions of the world’s impoverished citizens into the country.

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This has to stop…sadly it won’t for at least another year…

It will require a complete change of administrations and leadership willing to take strong, aggressive, potentially unpopular action (unpopular among the elites not among the majority of the American people) to get this disaster under control.

That border needs to be sealed…

Shouldn’t be kicked out for one minute much less to house people illegally here. Only place an illegal should occupy is a bus seat back to the border. Period.

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