American students are being kicked out of their school to house migrants!

I don’t have an issue with the humanitarian effort to temporarily house these humans. I do have a problem with it being necessary. It wouldn’t be if the border was properly secured.


Your rational response has no place here.

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As opposed to the irrational responses of libs?

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House them in a greyhound heading back to the border to get kicked out of thus country.


its temporary.

they were moved due to weather and now they will be moved back.

problem solved.

it was windy and rainy last night.


Now that the dumbasses have pulled it off, look for the useless teachers unions to encourage more schools do the same. They’ll want their members to go back to “virtual learning” so they can get paid to do nothing whilst wearing pajamas and eating pancakes and students playing video games staring at a screen.

That is a fair point. I have always said that economic migrants have no inherent right to move to any country of their choice.

We are facing the largest movement in population than at any other point in history. Not just South of the border but across the globe.

Of course if I was born into poverty I would probably do the same but that does not mean the receiving countries do not have a right to control who enters their country.

Sure I am pretty crunchy granola on a lot of issues these days but I recognize the USA cannot just accept an unlimited amount of immigrants.

Well, it seems that an unlimited amount of poor, uneducated, unskilled (except for maybe the criminals and terrorists), perhaps diseased that can’t speak English are just waltzing into America and getting treated better than US citizens.

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Saying that teachers “do nothing” during remote learning is a tad harsh and not accurate. Purely anecdotal but my children’s teachers worked very hard during remote learning to keep the kids engaged. I’m sure it was very hard for them and frustrating.

Interesting how home schooling is often lauded but not remote learning for a few days.

We all know the reason for the outcry. If it was residents being sheltered for a few days there would be no story.

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Shouldn’t be at all.

biden prioritized people here illegally over school children.

And Vets

And tax paying Americans.

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Interstellar the priority of law breakers over school children.

I think we all agree with that. Nothing about this is ideal. But the reality was that a group of people needed to be moved because of adverse weather. It’s unfortunate that it effects students but that’s what happened. Let’s hope it’s actually temporary and they can return to school.

Asylum seekers are not lawbreakers.

Its a humanitarian effort for a few days. You will have something tangible to bitch about if it becomes more permanent or schools start to be used as housing as a long term solution.

1-2 days cannot be even considered short term.

Nope, not a damn one of them have kids in school. Most of them haven’t even seen a school in over 40 years. :wink:

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Public schools paid for by taxpayers are not where these people should be being placed, disrupting children and families. This mayor is pulling a stunt.

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If they are in the country waiting for their asylum hearing, they are not here illegally.