American students are being kicked out of their school to house migrants!

And there you have it. The leftist dream of the US as the welfare state of the world with American tax payers picking up the tab.

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Not at all just following the logic in this thread from cons.

We have threads galore criticizing public schools and how they are indoctrination centers, but now this thread we have the same posters telling us how valuable they are.

Pointing out hypocrisy is not a distraction

Hmmmmmm. Thats a thinker. NOT!

There is a difference between not wanting American schools to be indoctrination centers and food lines and not wanting to close our schools to provide housing for criminals.

And as for hypocrisy. How about mayors who declared their city a “sanctuary city “ then sniveling they are flooded with illegals.


but a 2 state solution in Israel will be double plus good

The reservations are a failure.
Native Americans are allowed to live there or live elsewhere.
When they live elsewhere they do as well as everyone else.

IOW the reservations are failures. Maybe they are on rotten land.
Maybe they have rotten governance.

But that does not equal “The US continues to mistreat Native Americans” and it has nothing to do with housing migrants in schools but not housing them in vacant seasonal hotels on Martha’s Vineyard etc…

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The OP is NOT about an analysis of the short comings of the public school system, but rather a continuation of the effects of an open border and how the Democrats view Americans as second class citizens to these phony asylum seekers.


I’m sick of hearing “pass new laws fix the value system”.

None of that matters when the current crushing illegals at the border is this overwhelming…

Nah, I just wouldn’t want people left out in the elements during a dangerous storm.

Call me crazy…

Do you want them to face the dangerous situations they put themselves in to get to the United States? Why, when they cross our border, does their world suddenly change?

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When they are in tents in a US city, yeah, that’s a little different than when they are crossing the plains of a foreign country.

How do you see this as hypocrisy? The schools are paid for by taxpayers. Why should illegals take precedent over citizens?

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Even if it means screwing over school children.

Foreign criminals over American children.

You guys should really run on that. Quite the bumper sticker.

Actually, I don’t see a difference.

I do not think it is contempt for conservative republicans. I think it is simply having compassion/empathy for those less fortunate.

If republicans truly wanted something done about the border, they would work with democrats to pass a bill that actually does something. Of course that means actually working with democrats, and be willing to compromise…which historically is the only way to get a bill passed.

That’s a noble endeavor except your children would not be speaking English as a primary language. It would be Mandarin or Cantonese and you would be forced to learn it.



That is a good cause to be passionate about…

I wish more conservative leaning people felt the same way.

I for one hope that in the very near future say Jan 2025 an executive order by a Republican President rescinds the current “amnesty” farce and declares the laws null and void.

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I’m of the firm belief that a child that cannot eat cannot learn. It’s that simple.

Public school systems should always provide breakfast and lunch. Because for some of those very poor kids they literally don’t get that every day. And if they are hungry they cannot focus. And if they cannot focus they cannot learn.

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This is what happens when you work with Democrats…Written by Senator Grassley a decade ago.

"In 1986, the committee report said that “the solution lies in legalizing the status of aliens who have been present in the United States for several years, recognizing that past failures to enforce the immigration laws have allowed them to enter and to settle here.”

Also, according to the report, the Committee “strongly believes that a one time legalization program is a necessary part of an effective enforcement program and that a generous program is an essential part of any immigration reform legislation.”

In 1986, the Congress passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act. At the time, President Reagan hailed it as the most comprehensive reform of our immigration laws since 1952. He stated that the legislation was a major step toward meeting the challenge to our sovereignty while at the same time preserving and enhancing the nation’s heritage of legal immigration.

What Congress, the public, and the President did not envision, or did not want, was another amnesty debate. The American people were told that this would be a one-time shot. The incentive to buy-in to the argument was a promise of enforcement.

In 1985, Senator Simpson said, “If legalization should occur before more effective enforcement is available, the illegal population is only going to grow very swiftly again, and that will create pressures for additional legalization. And it will not be a one-time-only legalization; it will be a continuing series.”

There is one thing that a responsible administration as opposed to this joke we have now will have to do on the border. Seal it.

Spectacular action will be required because what has been done to this country the last four years has been a spectacular disaster.

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