American students are being kicked out of their school to house migrants!

Who cleaned the school and how did they clean it?

I think you misspelled practically no one.

The illegal invaders did didn’t they? :rofl:

These are the same people that crossed through hundreds, or perhaps thousands of miles to get to our southern border right? Who the hell was taking care of them during that entire trek? I’m pretty sure I couldn’t carry enough food and supplies to last a thousand mile walk, let alone shelter, and yet somehow tens of thousands a month manage to achieve that very thing…

Does it EVER occur to you Libs that they have all of their basic needs met already before they arrive at our southern border with their bogus asylum claims?

So what’s next? Forcing Americans to take them into their homes? Here’s a thought: why don’t you Libs open up your own homes to these people? 81 million of you supposedly voted for Joe, that means if even half of you would put your own compassionate hearts where your big hypocritical Lib mouths were, there wouldn’t be a problem. But none of you do a damn thing about anything you whine about, you just feel superior because you feel guilty and demand that EVERYONE else, except yourselves pay…

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If they are in the country, they are asylum seekers, who, per our immigration laws, presented themselves at the border and are permitted to stay until their hearings.

If they are contacted at the border and are not seeking asylum, they are deported.

The people living in tents are asylum seekers, here per our laws - meaning they are not illegals.

I don’t know the particulars and I bet you don’t either, but I don’t think they had time to find rooms and negotiate rates for everyone in the tent city given the storm barreling in.
But hey, run for city council and do it better if you think you can.

You might be willing to step over a human having hard times and rationalize it away by imagining they had hard times in the past. I wouldn’t. I’d do what I could to keep them safe if they were in my city and I was in a position of authority,

It’s just weird how callous people are about leaving people in the path of a dangerous storm. Sad really.

Right. You put other people out, but not yourself. Got it.

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What’s sad is that they’ve been enabled to illegally come into America and given a free pass. Why aren’t these millions of “asylum scammers” going to other industrialized countries? Maybe Russia? Oh wait they’d be shot. Or the UAE? That’s a rich rich country!

Could have housed them in IRS offices.

Or in (seasonally vacant) hotels on Martha’s vineyard.

Heck I hear the INS has tens of thousands of empty beds.


I’m all for reforming our system, but the fact is the other day, real live human beings were in tents in the path of a dangers storm, and people are posting callously about them.

And it’s a shame.

And BTW, they are here legally. They are not here illegally. You don’t like that? Be made at congress for doing jack ■■■■ on the issue legislatively.

Swell. Not sure they could get them there in time to beat the storm though.

So the parents of these children did the loudest “clutchin” and this is your home state so…are the illegals all out as the government promised? It’d be nice if they didn’t lie but…they are liars so, are they out?

Yep. Apparently they were only there for a few hours.

The backlash stems from a last-minute decision by Mayor Eric Adams to bus hundreds of migrant families from a controversial tent shelter at Floyd Bennett Field to the school 5 miles away — with asylum seekers forced to nap on a gym floor before being rustled back to the shelter just hours later.

More info …

Iscol said all of the migrant families were returned to the tent shelter overnight, beginning at around 1:30 a.m. Wednesday after getting the all-clear from the National Weather Service. Most people were transported out by bus from 3 a.m. to 4 a.m, he said.

Everything was back to normal yesterday. School resumed in person.

Apparently the school received bomb threats.

Would not surprise me after I read in a report I think it was the original link, a woman was screaming at the school buses. Completely unhinged behavior.