American students are being kicked out of their school to house migrants!

Back in the real world, a group of people got moved because of adverse weather. I’m glad that happened. It’s unfortunate that school was disrupted, but I’m happy it’s back to normal.

That is the real world. You are supporting the choice that was made to cater to foreign criminals at the expense of American schoolchildren.

See. As long as it is other people who are affected

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I’m supporting a choice that helped people staff safe during a weather event. I’m able to separate their safety and the reason they are here.

Like I said. Foreign criminals over American schoolchildren


Don’t know her, can’t vote for her.

I don’t disagree with the need to address the border. But bringing people in from a dangerous storm until immigration is fixed seems like the right thing to do to me.

This will never happen. The Dimbulbcrats want illegal bodies for their redistricting and “pathways to citizenship” endeavors. You know Demoncrat goobermint dependent miscreants who will vote for the hand that feeds them. Single party rule into perpetuity.

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Great. Put them in the vacant K-Mart building.

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Seriously? Democrats only want more money for processing and just lip service for border security.

No…democrats have proven they’re aren’t reliable. It’s better to wait for Trump get back in.


That’s what’s gonna happen unless they put him in jail because of their unwillingness to do anything to slow the flow on illegal immigration, people are just sick of it even New York City is sick of it…

What an odd hill to lose an election on.

I have no idea of the particulars, but since it was a city operation, I doubt they could quickly reach an agreement to use privately owned real estate. I would imagine they would need to use a building they owned and had insurance on etc…

This has been a long time coming. Your lib government entities have done nothing during that time.

You are pretending to defend the indefensible.

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Maybe what needs to happen is for the democrats to work with the GOP to come to a solution. Because the left does not want to talk about anything except more money for lawyers and amnesty. Which the GOP gave them a few years back with the understanding that if they gave the democrats what they wanted then the democrats would give the GOP what they wanted. The democrats lied and did not do what they promised. Why would the GOP take the word of any democrat today?

The GOP is not going to give the leftist lawyers any more money until the democrats enforce the laws and close the border. You all have lied too many times.


As long as it is other people who have to sacrifice. Tell me did your kids give their new winter coat to some child less fortunate?

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Just when did we pass amnesty for border jumpers? I know that is what the left wants but as far as I know it is a no go.

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That is where I stopped.
I prefer to have discussions with a bit more mature folks…

Have a good day!

Why thank you, enjoy your day as well. And btw, have a great life. :sunglasses:

Didn’t seem to be a problem with three star hotels. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Took me a while, but I found it.
𝗕𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿 - “no private sector insurance company will sell us insurance if we build on flood prone areas, if they do, rates are very high”
𝗙𝗲𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗴𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁- “that’s a market failure, here’s cheap subsidized flood insurance”
𝗕𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗿 - “thanks! We can build now”
