American Manufacturing expanding at fastest rate in 14 years

It might be if it included the Trump years, but it doesn’t… Work on those algebra skills…

We record income tax receipts after a tax cut…

If we can encourage more automation and it’s profitable…then I suspect it will continue.

You disagree?

I was agreeing with you! Stop micro-aggressing me.

He got elected.

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A confluence of luck and timing, which he skillfully exploited…and so of course you believe a one-time event is indicative of something repeatable over multiple different contexts.


So a mystical ability to defy the experts.


Not at all.

and the last few months Trump’s crazy trade war was going to ruin the economy, yet, here we are with a record trend in manufacturing…

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Got a tax cut passed.

Tell me when tax revenue generated by the country has increased over the year prior to the tax cut.

It’s nice to see conservatives get on board with massive government stimulus. Too bad they were nowhere to be found in 2009 when the country actually needed it. Someone needs to get together a new “tea party” of sorts and protest this out of control spending.


It’s far below where we used to be not 20 years ago
It’s early days. You’re all over the map as to when cause and effect happens…depending on what story you’d like to tell yourself.

Oh my GOD.

Republicans in charge of the House, Senate and White House, and he got a tax cut passed.


Um…pretty much all the last several years of the Obama administration until the year of the tax cut?

Every year of expansion?

There’s no question that Obama is the one who gets credit for turning our economy around from the turd Bush handed to him. Now Trump has reduced taxes with the idea that it will take us even higher. In that light, tell me when the tax revenue generated exceeds the year prior to the Trump tax cut. I want to witness our revenue increase as a direct result.

You act like you think republicans don’t like spending.

Eventually, tax revenue always increases over time. You’d be hard-pressed to ascribe that to tax cuts.

Exactly - we have an idea what revenues would be with whatever tax policy is in place and can compare what revenues would look like under new policy. Tax cuts never pay for themselves. Revenue will always be lower than under the previous tax policy. It’s just so much worse with these Trump tax cuts. Because while being lower than what it would have been under the status quo, revenues at least increase YOY due to expanding economy. However, now we’re actually going negative compared to the previous year despite the expanding economy. It’s insane.