American ISIS ----

The big bad is always a thing. Anti-semitism is a special type of cancer.

I don’t know why, but time and time again it’s shown to be true.

That’s pretty narrow.


And it’s a young science.

Not in the US. Not anymore “special” than any other -ism. Racism towards black people for instance.

I know you don’t.

The death of expertise is part of the problem.

It’s what leads so many down into the rabbit-hole of conspirational thinking, imo.

And you think Jews are driving factor in globalism?

Again you’re stereotyping are you not?

Is that a sign of mental illness?

Of course they have.

But yet…

In my opinion, it was suicide.

It’s specific.

Go down the rabbit hole of mental illness and conspiratorial thinking.

It ends with the Jews more often than not, as that’s historically the favorite scape-goat.

Be nice.


Maybe in Europe, not here.

Disagree. It’s frankly amazing to watch the anti-semitic stuff spread as it does.

The apologetics are far more sophisticated, the rhetoric far subtler.

Expertise is matter of opinion where one seeks out views to validate his own.

Turn on the news.

As a side note, people who believe the government was behind 9/11 crack me up. As if the government would ever be that competent. If they had been behind it, the deficit would be plus another $100 trillion and the twin towers would still be standing.

I respect your opinion, it doesn’t apply here.

No. That’s where you’re ■■■■■■■■ the bed.

Academics are vicious at tearing eachother apart, for example. Literally vicious.

Lester doesn’t work weekends.

No, the attempt to link Jews to globalism (or the international Jew as they used to be referred) literally goes back to medieval times.