American infrastructure is failing period

Research shows most are not legitimate asylum claims.

“Despite the partial court shutdown during the COVID-19 pandemic, this year immigration jud­ges managed to decide the second highest number of asylum decisions in the last two de­cades. The rate of denial continued to climb to a record high of 71.6 percent, up from 54.6 percent during the last year of the Obama Administration in FY 2016”|01||1c7b0a33a16f4dfa550008d8f8318d21|84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa|1|0|637532238991451215|Unknown|TWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D|1000&sdata=QdicFSeRd9XLrlNQQwUJuJFIIfZNyKWbpGuDOctQKFY%3D&reserved=0

The people crossing our border now include drug dealers human traffickers and children being sold for the traffickers profit.

And Biden is responsible for the mess at the southern border. See how that works.


Printing money to spend on infrastructure, will have an ROI, that will continue for decades.

There is no ROI on giving billions of dollars in tax breaks for corps and super wealthy.
Well, I guess there is a very good ROI for the corps and super wealthy…not so much the rest of us.

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All 4 links, RW, fact challenged entities.

Swing and a miss.


Trump got bulldozed by the GOP. Not the Ds.

Electric charging stations are infrastructure.

Ford is going all electric in europe by 2030. Volvo going all electric by 2030.

You want us to ignore this new tech, and the new direction and be stuck building and selling and using old tech?

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That is not how it has worked historically. The private sector will not invest in long term projects…they only want investments to get a quick ROI.

The way we have advanced as a society, is with massive spending by the government, to help facilitate the private sector.

We built cars an entire nationwide interstate highway system! We put trains out of business for them! We subsidize 20B of their fuel source every year for like 50-60 years.

And at a state level, we absolutely subsidize gas stations.

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Uninformed post.

No! No!

He built that.

You think Infrastructure is only roads and bridges?

Not airports, water ports, water pipes?

You also can’t say Trump had any credible infrastructure plans. They had a cocktail napkin sketch of throwing out $200 billion in “incentives”, for private partnerships while making budget proposals that would reduce infrastructure spending by even more than that.

Trump infrastructure plans didn’t die because of partisanship. They died because there were never any actual tangible plans.

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Simple fact is, if the re is not a short term ROI, private companies, VC’s etc…will not invest in it.

We the people can, and should, It also helps the private sector.
It is literally a win,win,win.

And yet, another uninformed post.

The gas for those private gas stations gets 20B in federal subsidies every year.

You guys need to stop with this ‘why can’t the free market just do it…’

It’s idiotic.

The federal government built cars an entire, nation wide highway system. That created a rebirth in the car industry because suddenly people could get tom a to b faster. It helped put trains out of business, further helping the auto industry. And it helped US manufacturers sell a ■■■■ ton of cars.

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You sure about that?

Hey Allen.171000 illegals hit the southern border last month…the most in 15 years according to a story just reported on Fox. It really doesn’t matter if they are seeking asylum or not, border officials are so over run they aren’t even getting the court dates they won’t show up for anyway.

Damn if we only had a bog beautiful physical barrier in their way…oh wait we were building one and those #’s were way smaller.

But hey at least the infrastructure bill has done New Green Deal stuff in it!

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Infrastructure Week became a running joke for a reason.

I think they did release one sort of plan the first time, which mostly involved the mass privatization of basically everything and it was too much even for the GOP.

Not following the thread? Only six percent of the bill is infrastructure.


That’s ain’t true unless you randomly define that only roads and bridges are “infrastructure”.

The FOX news article?

More bull feces.