American gold medalist kneels during national anthem

You mean the sick SJW prop they use to disrespect Americas dead Patriots during the National Anthem?

No, I mean you waving around dead soldiers and making pretend you can read their minds just to try to make a point. I find the right’s need to hide behind the military more offensive than I find kneeling for the anthem.


Is that what the evil doer have you thinking?

Is this in English? I don’t listen to “evil-doers”, I’m not a Trump fan.

Token displays of patriotism are bigly important in Trumplandia.

My flag needs a hug.


Trump fans don’t show disrespect to Americas National Anthem that would be those evil people influencing those poor sheeple.:rofl::rofl:

Did Trump hug a lot of flags in 2016 when his campaign was all about calling America a third world country?

There you mixing up things again. I am caught on the real side of reality. Have a good day my dear friend.

What VA do you go to.

I 've been going to the VA for about 20 yars now in Orlando and always got the best treatment from both the clinic and the new VA hosital. YMMV

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Hey, you!

Welcome back!

Yeah, “dead patriots”. That’s a wierd way to put it.

Is that like “dead Presidents”, the slang for money?

As opposed to denigrating a prisoner of war?

McCain flushed all his attaboys down the toilet when he chose to attack conservatives with the IRS.!

.McCain's office urged IRS to use audits as weapons to destroy political advocacy groups - UPDATED - Washington Times

I will let your post speak for itself. I am sure that it will be received appropriately.

And they will enjoy the Washington times. :rofl:

True patriots died so that could have the freedom to say what we want which is exactly why we shouldn’t.

Who is complaining who did not serve? For that matter who is complaining? Broad brush stroke? If one expresses ones opinion and it is contrary, it is still ones opionion. Do we ban opinions and a person with opposing view?

Did he really call America a third world county?

