AMERICA: Land of the free (stuff), home of the mediocre

Younger generations are working more for less. Wages have not increased nearly as much as the cost of living. College prices have skyrocketed. Everything is more expensive nowadays.

So yeah, we do need to work harder/longer just to get by.


So they should vote for the socialist utopia that has failed miserably wherever it has been tried?

I saw an article today that says the average boomer is an ■■■■■■■■ Congress right now is made up of a majority of boomers. They compromise about as well as two year olds. Go figure.

Well if you’re mentioning anything that contradicts the narrative in the slightest, you’re obviously implying that’s the norm. Obviously.

If we continue down this path America is eventually going to rebel hard against capitalism. And the rich will only have their own greed to blame.

Let them eat cake. Or something.

Younger generations don’t have the first ■■■■■■■ clue what hard work looks like.

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Soooooo Venezuala is the answer?

Never happen. America wants to be like them, not destroy them.

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Congress is not average.

Yeah. No wonder bitcoin is so popular. Because people want to be like them. :laughing:

Of course. That is why 50 or 60 years ago a guy could work one job and afford a house, car, family and a comfortable middle class lifestyle. Nowadays if you work one job you can barely afford the basics if you are lucky.


Reading comprehension doesn’t seem to be your strong suit.

Yep the average Boomer is now getting a Social Security that relies on the labor of Gen Z because they didn’t shore up the system when they knew that a period of underfunding was coming for a couple of decades.


Well the guy who spends 16 hrs a day digging ditches at the Federal minimum wage can live on the street of dreams. That’s exactly how our economy works. The richest people always pay the hardest workers more money. They don’t base what they pay off how much their workers actually make them. If they did that, they wouldn’t make any money when they stop working themselves.

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That’s akin to me saying I worked harder farming rice with tractors and combines than farmers did sowing and reaping by hand in the 1800s. Or ranching on open prairie on horseback without pens and chutes.

Check your “basics”.

That’s the great thing about entitlement programs. Your grandkids are the ones who have to worry about paying for them.


I do my job, and my job is to show up to work.

Ditches are dug by machines. Anybody making minimum wage after 6 months on a job needs to buy a mirror.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: thank you.