America is just an Idea Joe? Farwell America

No? Have you ever found anything to quibble with when the childsniffer speaks?

Yes. Remeber when biden said this ā€œThe federal government has absolute power. It has the power. As to whether or not Iā€™ll use that power, weā€™ll see.ā€


Or maybe he is just not partisan or bias. Unlike ā€¦ oh nevermind. You already know.

Making a stupid statement for which his own party excoriated him is not the exercise of dictatorial power.

Try again.

Biden is a lib. We have little to nothing in common. With my remarks I was directly addressing the OP.

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Ah. A case of mistaken identity. Your colors remind me of a lib here.

Yup. Iā€™m sure that stop him from saying other stupid statements. Biden is definitely more of a dictator even if he is not even in office yet.

Funny how the tables have turned. Going back to Bush junior, then Obama, and of course Trump and now Biden. All dictators. :roll_eyes:

'CEPT none of them are dictators. America is still alive and well. Of course all bets are off if the GOP loses both Senate races in Georgia.

Clearly, since you edited it to make more sense.

Now it doesā€¦ kindaā€¦ at least it parsesā€¦ but Iā€™m still not sure the logic behind thinking a socialist dictator would do a forced lockdown and a capitalist dictator would murder minorities?

Did you miss an /S here? There have been many times when president has both senate and house.

Yep. Mark my words, this time will be different. First order of business will be removal of the filibuster followed quickly by the stacking of the SCOTUS.

I say, Good Riddance to boarders. No respect for ships.

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I concur, boarders are a little dinghy anyway

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Farwell, boarders