America is closed for businesses - thank you Democrats! 😠

How will we survive an open economy with 5X the number of covid deaths?

Why kind of future is that?

WSJ…that liberal rag…just published an article detailing two studies attempting to understand the human cost of the disease.

The studies lend support to the idea that COVID victims have lost an average of ten years off their life.

So this insidious unspoken idea that people with additional conditions “were just going to die anyway” may be unsupported by the evidence.

I’ll link these studies as soon as they come out from behind a paywall.

They’ve won what?

Seriously…they’ve won what?

BS, Sweden hasn’t attempted to do so.

We can keep Nursing homes, sequestered.

We can keep retirees/disabled sequestered.

We can keep HIV patients sequestered along with the few others that are at highest risk.

You can keep the Medico’s treating them sequestered until we reach herd immunity or it burns out.

Every indicator we have shows the curve was flattened and is in decline, it’s not even arguable at this point.

Between the change of seasons, the natural “distancing” we do in warmer temp’s and the fact well over half of people who contract it will never even need medical treatment we can develop herd immunity while protecting those who need to be protected.

Anyone with an understanding of the subject knows this to be true.

Even a month of such a plan would suffice to protect those who need protection and bring this outbreak to an end quickly with the fewest possible casualties and the least amount of economic harm possible to the nation.


You must read a lot of your own posts then.

Each of those were real.

:rofl: :joy: :rofl:

you dont know that for sure.


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Power at any cost.

Purge the unessentials.

Too bad the WSJ could not add up the people who died with no other medical issue.

That would have been much easier than the years off life nonsense.

No conservative wants it expects that. But i have to say, that’s an odd question from a faction who, in the main, believes the world is way too overpopulated.

What libs can’t grasp is that their news is propaganda, ours is the TRUTH.


Slight difference from movement conservatives. Jacobins. @TommyLucchese ™️

Yeah literally nothing more accurate than right wing Jacobins.

Shoutout to Norman Podhoretz for accidentally giving me the idea.

Ok - what about the times when both broadcast the same exact thing?

Liberal misdirection. Every now amd again the fake news lib mob media reports the truth to keep the sheople confused.

We haven’t done it yet.

Nursing homes have been clusters of death…in this country and others.

We keep saying “we can do it”.

No one has done it.

And all the “vulnerable” aren’t in places where they can easily be sequestered.

The people dying from this disease are almost without exception those who were already near the end or in such poor shape already that the next serious cold, flu, or bacterial respiratory infection was going to kill them anyhow.

That’s just nature at work. It shouldn’t be exploited as a political issue particularly by those who were dead wrong about the disease and how we should respond to it from the start.

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That is just not true. This is taking a lot of healthy and younger people.

We didn’t respond correctly from the start. Good Lord we are blowing past 70,000 dead and Republicans want to send in The Replacebles in service of the almighty stock market.

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90% of serious, critical, or cases that end up in death are over 60 and/or 3 or more pre existing life threatening conditions.

I could care less about the stock market it’s just an indicator of how much faith people have in the future near term.

An economic collapse will kill far more people and spread far more pain and misery across the country than this virus ever will.