I didn’t venture to name any specific countries as the topic of the history of geopolitics is not my forte, but if I were to throw out a name or two, the UK and Canada would come to mind. The sudden love for Ukraine is all about being anti-Russia-Putin.
Critprogs want $80B for the IRS to take money from US citizens to send to Israel (Ukraine, Afghanistan) to kill people.
Meanwhile, US citizen kids can’t read or do math, mental illness and drug addiction are rampant. Vets are living on cardboard boxes in the street.
The US military is a shamble and a shell-completely combat ineffective and more so every day.
Inflation is choking the life out of the people-who are spending savings to get by. Creating another generation who will have to die in the workplace. That blocks upward mobility for the younger people.
While we import millions of impoverished dependents. And the associated criminality.
The United States is failed and failing. A police state on the verge of losing any semblance of order.
More like trying to fool the public into a state of conviction that spending this money is virtuous, All the while connected elites get to skim off the top.
Any country’s political leaders might choose to ally with another country’s political leaders if it serves their own personal interests. There is a lot wrong with that.
And in a nutshell, that sums up the Democrat Party’s plan and vision for the American people, excluding themselves, their families, friends, and the wealthy who kiss their ass.