Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I know she is taking lot of flake as of late but lets face it. She is the future…it seems like she’s only one in democrat party that has a vision for the party to embrace.

Instead of splitting the party the party chiefs should embrace their future and stop fighting it.

Look where Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and Maxine Waters taken the party. She couldn’t do any worst IMO.

You go girl…lead the way.


Worry about your own crumbling party first.

She isn’t the future of the party.

… at least … you hope so …

Physician, heal thyself.

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Yes, she is, and it’s what dems have been working on for decades…

You don’t get a say in that matter.

What’s the matter lib? You’re always trying tell what we should do.

Don’t like it…too bad.

I have more of a say then you.

She isn’t, just like Bernie isn’t the future.

You clearly have no idea. Keep those checks going to help the hungry children in Venezuela.

yeah you guys totally forget that an outright socialist was second in primary votes st the last election. But hey she is totally original and new. Shortest memories ever

Damn you. Now i am not original

As the political parties become more polarized I think people like her will become the future of the Democratic Party. Similar to how “populists” like Trump will become the future of the Republican Party. Maybe not Trump-like entirely, but with populist beliefs. While the Democratic Party becomes more like the social democrats of Europe.

I’m not a fan of either path.

as in… “walk away”? :sunglasses:

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Well good…cuz I was hoping it was the likes of u. :sunglasses:

I don’t know about the “I have” part but I definitely agree you have “more to say”.:sunglasses:

That’s about as real as the Awans testifying about Seth rich as we post this…

She’s pretty.

I disagree about her being the future. She happened to be at the right place at the right time.

There are others who will step up to be the future like Harris or Booker.