Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

He pulled over 46% in the 2016 democrat primaries that’s pretty impressive for a self described socialist.

He had Russia’s help get get his numbers that high.

I’m a moderate who support social program to benefit everyone the two most radical thing I support are government funded healthcare and education both done at the state level with federal regulation setting standards.

because I feel education and health equal important to law enforcement in term of public good.

I cry when I hear the path “justice” is taking. In that light, you’re right, I’m wrong.

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I never took that into account :fearful:

I know that I usually make funnies, but it’s actually true Russia pushed Bernie stuff in order to weaken Hillary. It’s impossible to know to what extent it had any effect on the outcome, we can never know. All we know is Russia undermined Hillary Clinton’s attempt to become President in 2016.

The future of the communist party in the U.S. :scream:

The OP seems shaken about a young Latina American becoming a part of the US Congress.

I suppose the OP also realizes she would just be one of 435 seats or .23%.

Be afraid Conan, be very afraid!!

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She’s young an inexperienced though. She probably has some wacky ideas outside of mainstream America. Why can’t we use her as a caricature of the entire oppositional party?

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She has been talked about quite a bit over talk radio lately. I don’t really see why she should be talked about quite a bit. She is after all from a heavily liberal leaning Congressional district. And there are as many as 435 Congressional districts across the country.

She is only one that has vision for party future.

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no she isn’t.

So you admit that this is just a troll thread?

Why do you feel the need to point out the obvious? I love conan. We both write our names without a capital letter. We’re both silly in our posting style. But I’m jelly about how much attention he gets.

Conan is different from you. He is a true believer. He believes Trump’s ■■■■■■■■■ He uses it for life sustaining fertilizer.

Name other democrats that has any vision for your party future.

Name em.

I have no party, Trumpvidian.

So you can’t name one other.

One other what?

I am partly of the mind that only after a politician truly breaks our system can structural reform take place. I would never work toward a break in the social order, because i don’t wan’t to live through that, I kind of feel that’s where we’re moving toward though.