Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez might have been mistaken on we only have 12 years


That is the very definition of peer review.

Going through it now.

One of the markers that it might not stand on it’s own is that instead of referencing actual peer reviewed papers, they reference blogs.

That is usually a bad sign.

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Average climatologist salary in 2012 was $89k. Idso earned over $139k from the Heartland Institute. That is higher than the top of the range for climatologists in 2012 which ranged from $49k-$134k.

Omg. “Not a good sign” is an understatement.

Question away. But don’t waste time here shouting into the wind. Go share your concerns at the university. Either you will get an education on the subject or you will bring forth a new concern. Either way, we win!

Wrong. It can be sent only to peers and often is prior to publishing.

Twits are so much better.

The paper is attempting to discredit the data collected by NOAA,NASA, and the Hadley/CRU as invalid.

There is not much hope.

Seems like a case.where you would want Darwin to take over…sadly it just affects the rest of us or this would be a good solution to the problem…

I’m gonna start a blog…to discredit things…li k to it as proof and profit!

It’s on the internet so its true

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So read the paper.

The tl;dr version is that they are claiming that the methodology used by basically everyone to correct for anomalies in the data is wrong and there is in fact not a heating trend.

Which I am sure that the people wanting to extract resources from the newly opened up arctic will be bummed to hear.

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do you dispute the findings?


I read the paper.

Did you?

Indeed! The GW/CC nut-jobs had 3 “10 year warning” iterations and AOC 12 year warning is the 4th iteration :roll_eyes: It never ends with the environmental crazies!


how do you dispute them?

Do you believe that they have successfully shown that the warming trend that everyone basically agrees upon is false and why?

Which is the the best piece of evidence that they bring forth to dispute that?

I point to the rapid melting of the Arctic Circle.

What do you you believe is the evidence that holds up their hypothesis?

How rapid was the ice melt in the Arctic Circle during each of the last warming cycles, and how does it compare to this one?

The paper that is being being discussed denies that there is a warming cycle even happening

The crux of it is that the modeling that is used by everyone is wrong.

So in that context… given the paper that is being discussed… the question makes no sense.

The daily caller is much more reliable than a peer reviewed journal on the subject of climate change.


So because it happened in the past that somehow means its impossible that humans can affect climate?

The sea levels are rising.

Can we agree on that?

Should coastal cities do something about it now, or wait for the 30 years until they are so inundated that it is impossible to construct everything needed to protect the cities from going underwater, even if that is possible.

If climate change is happening “naturally” or man-made doesn’t matter - to repeat my previous post.

Something has to be done to prepare for the fact that it is happening.

As evidenced by the facts in the article of all those cities getting flooded regularly at high tide now when that didn’t use to happen.