Alcohol Detection Systems Will Now Be Mandatory In All New Vehicles

Does your phone refuse you it’s use if it thinks you’re drunk? Posting while drunk is dangerous you know. :wink:

There actually are some (very unsophisticated) apps out there that you can download that’ll prevent you from doing stuff when drunk

Right now it’s just setting a time period for when you aniticipate being intoxicated and then locking you out, so to speak. By 2025, i wouldn’t be surprised one bit if a technology is out there where the hardware actually knows when you’ve had too much.

Will it be calibrated to each individual, or will it use a one size fits all algorithm to determine how much is too much?

I suspect calibrated especially with your health app containing data like your age, weight, BMI, etc.

Dear god that is a lot of 2G coverage.

Welcome to 2001!!!

The AI will learn what your usual driving looks like.

Good. That means I will be able to get away with all sorts of ■■■■■ :wink:

Actually, the technology is already in place in most cars (or with most drivers.) Your MAP/GPS on your phone can tell you how fast you are going (and often knows the speed limit where you are driving.)

Next step is for authorities to make the phones report speeding incidents. No cops necessary. Your own phone will rat on you. You’ll get your speeding fine sent to you in the mail. Maybe you’ll get a monthly accumulation of violations sent to you each month. If you don’t pay, the IRS will tack it onto your tax bill.

Humans aren’t smarter than AI at this point, not in certain domains at any rate. Only problem is getting a big enough data set.

If you don’t stand in a certain spot in our school, there is no service. Plenty of rural places with no cell service. You should get out more.

Someone obviously has never driven through well, away from the coasts.

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If you go to a certain spot at our cabin and the weather is good and you wave your cell around a bit, you might get a text through. Heck my main house the cell signal sucks, thank goodness for cable broadband. Near the kitchen window is your best bet if you are relying on cell. And it will be that low LT whatever, no G’s.

And I am not that rural, technically I reside in a city of a 140k, just on the most rural outskirts of it.

Before they put another tower a few miles closer to us, we had to go out in our driveway to get enough reception to MAYBE get a call through. Not much fun trying to make a call in the middle of December. :wink:

Even now it’s iffy within the house. I currently have one bar on my phone while sitting here.

ont worry elon is going to cause a kessser event and cripple you

Due to my personal experience, I believe the only deterrent to drinking and driving, is severe penalties.
We live in a world that everyone knows they should not drink and drive. Everyone.
And yet still people do it.
My son was killed by a drunk driver. The guy was driving very fast without his lights on and my son was on his UTV in his driveway. He ran off the road and hit my son and his friend. They were killed instantly. The driver was injured and taken to the hospital. He wasn’t arrested for almost 3 months due to him having multiple surgeries on his leg and ankle. He was in jail less than 2 hours , out on bail that cost him $5,000.00 and it has now been 1 year, 1 month, and 10 days since he was taken from me and the person who did this will eventually go to jail. But for the last year I have to see this person living their life, still driving a car remarkably. Small towns…
I tell you all of this because the majority of people who get DUIs actually end up reoffending. There have been countless people who have killed people and gotten less than 5 years in prison. some have even gotten probation. People with multiple DUI offenses.
I am a Mother Against Drunk Driving in the real sense. MADD and I don’t agree on how to lower this rate. I say lock him up and throw away the key. He knew the chance he was taking going out and drinking without arranging a way to get home before hand. We have a service that will pick you up from the bar and take you home. He made his choice.
My whole family is devastated. I am a broken woman and will never get over losing my son. His children will never get over losing their father.His wife will never get over losing her husband. His siblings needed him. He was an upstanding man who made a difference in this world .
The person who took him from us should pay with his life as far as we are concerned. But he won’t.

I’m neutral about it as a nondrinker.

I suppose it will save LEOs field sobriety tests for those weaving in and out of traffic, or driving too slow.

It would be good to lessen the number of injuries and fatalities from drunk driving by not allowing vehicles whose driver is impaired to start.

Not everyone has a driver’s license. Not only that, but you want to add another step to the buying process. First you want me to show a card to get into the liquor store. Then you want someone to scan my license to purchase alcohol. Are you sure there’s nothing else you’d like to add?

A smart drunk? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

When I was in my early 20s I never drove drunk or severely impaired. But I did a hell of a lot of buzzed or getting close to drunk driving. The smart thing to do is make sure your car gives the police no reason to pull you over. Don’t drive with an expired sticker, tail light out, any obstruction or stuff like that. And absolutely do not speed.

Remember, in most states the drinking age is 21 to drink at places that sell alcohol. It’s not a blanket 21 to drink at all. It depends on the state. A lot of states allow under age drinking on private property. Some states allow under age drinking at restaurants with the parents permission.