Alabama Senate passes total abortion ban, punishing providers with up to 99

That doesn’t happen very often, but yes it does. The child conceived in rape was not at fault. Now Roe v. Wade was based on the lie that Normay McCorvey was gang rapes, when in fact she wasn’t. Rebecca Kiessling was conceived in rape, she gives her thought on the issue: Rebecca’s Story | Rebecca Kiessling Pro-Life Speaker Conceived in Rape

I was adopted nearly from birth. At 18, I learned that I was conceived out of a brutal rape at knife-point by a serial rapist. Like most people, I’d never considered that abortion applied to my life, but once I received this information, all of a sudden I realized that, not only does it apply to my life, but it has to do with my very existence. It was as if I could hear the echoes of all those people who, with the most sympathetic of tones, would say, “Well, except in cases of rape. . . ,” or who would rather fervently exclaim in disgust: “Especially in cases of rape!!!” All these people are out there who don‘t even know me, but are standing in judgment of my life, so quick to dismiss it just because of how I was conceived. I felt like I was now going to have to justify my own existence, that I would have to prove myself to the world that I shouldn’t have been aborted and that I was worthy of living. I also remember feeling like garbage because of people who would say that my life was like garbage — that I was disposable.

Please understand that whenever you identify yourself as being “pro-choice,” or whenever you make that exception for rape, what that really translates into is you being able to stand before me, look me in the eye, and say to me, “I think your mother should have been able to abort you.” That’s a pretty powerful statement. I would never say anything like that to someone. I would say never to someone, “If I had my way, you’d be dead right now.” But that is the reality with which I live. I challenge anyone to describe for me how it’s not. It’s not like people say, “Oh well, I‘m pro-choice except for that little window of opportunity in 1968/69, so that you, Rebecca, could have been born.” No — this is the ruthless reality of that position, and I can tell you that it hurts and it’s mean. But I know that most people don’t put a face to this issue. For them, it’s just a concept — a quick cliche, and they sweep it under the rug and forget about it. I do hope that, as a child of rape, I can help to put a face, a voice, and a story to this issue.

I’ve often experienced those who would confront me and try to dismiss me with quick quips like, “Oh well, you were lucky!” Be sure that my survival has nothing to do with luck. The fact that I’m alive today has to do with choices that were made by our society at large, people who fought to ensure abortion was illegal in Michigan at the time —even in cases of rape, people who argued to protect my life, and people who voted pro-life. I wasn’t lucky. I was protected. And would you really rationalize that our brothers and sisters who are being aborted every day are just somehow “unlucky”?!!

You want to send her an email saying she shouldn’t have been protected?


What you don’t understand it seems is choice.
I have no issue sending this person an email stating the mother should of had the choice and not forced to carry an unwanted child.

But when we talk 11 12 13 or let’s just go with 16 and under…you have zero say. You dont get a seat at the table. If it involves rape you should just turn around and go watch nascar. Your opinion is not wanted nor needed.

Choice matters. Choice is freedom. I like freedom…your opinion into my freedoms over my body is irrelevant. You dont get a say. You never will.


Does Rebecca Kiessling have a say?

I will answer that.


Dont move the goal posts…

You want to go out and have a bundle of kids? Knock yourself out.
You want to go and overdose on meth? Go ahead.
You want to go own am ar 15? Go ahead
You want to drink soda and eat Wendy’s till you die? Go ahead.
You want to smoke pot because you have cancer? Go ahead.
You want to change your gender because you feel you are different? Go ahead.
You want to love someone of the same sex and marry them? Go ahead.

Do you get it yet…do any of you? Clearly you dont. You never will because you just cant respect other people and their freedoms.


So society would have been better off if Rebecca was killed, and though she was conceved in rape, she has no say on this issue.

I guess these people shouldn’t have existed, and would have been better off dead?

Just because abortion is legal doesn’t mean everyone will get one

Irrelevant and you are ignoring everything for some weak emotional argument


Don’t you know? If abortion isn’t illegal, we’re only one step away from China!

Most of those things do not have to do with the deliberate killing of another person.

Should a person let us say is poor, gave birth to a kid, and figure well, they can’t afford them, let us say at 2 years old, they had it with this kid cause he is in the terrible twos, and is a pain in the rear. Should that mother/father be able to kill that 2 year old, and if not, why not?

No she really doesn’t have a say in it the woman that was just raped does.

What about the young children that die trying to deliver a baby?

Look I get it, the idea that someone has an accident when having sex and doesn’t want to be inconvenienced raising a child is repulsive to some here. If im honest I’m not really sure where I stand on that. I also know I cant get pregnant.

The situation with this 11 year old though, is not that situation.

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No, because giving up the kid doesn’t require a forced expulsion from their bodies resulting in their death. The kid isn’t violating their autonomy by posing a serious health risk that can only be remedied by killing them. It’s crazy, but it’s as if there are other options once the baby is out of the womb. And that’s all the difference.

Sigh…I’m tired of lazy arguements

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Why would she? She was a fetus…she had no say…nor any ability to say anything. So asking should she have a say is off base, as this argument currently is not hers to decide or have a say in…and at her conception she had no say or ability to have a say.

As a life-long pro-lifer, I oppose the bill as well.

I am not in the “her body, her choice” mindset, but I am in the “lets not waste money on an unenforceable bill”.

If Alabama denies a woman an abortion within the first trimester, it’s going to go to court and the woman will win the case. Casey and Roe basically soldified abortion for the first trimester. If the case gets reviewed again, the anti-abortion lawyer will have to explain why the bill is legal AND why precedent was wrong. Good luck on that. Bama residents might as well start flushing 20 dollars down their toilets every weekend.

Also, Bama is one of the poorest states in the union. They already rely on money from NY, California, Texas, and Florida to keep afloat. Now they want to waste even more money and expect other states to pick up the tab.


It’s as if we can’t stand not having the ability to run peoples life. Your points are sharp.


Most abortions have nothing to do with rape. Most are a matter of convenience. It seems like people want to rationalize killing by giving the extreme example, but the examples I give are true examples byproducts of such examples who really should have a right to life as others. But many people don’t want to deal with the humanity of the person.
Kelly Wright, used to be a co-anchor on the weekend in Fox.

A child who is raped needs to be given the best of medical care, from the beginning of the pregnancy to the end, and given psychological help to get them through it, and the baby given for adoption, there are huge waiting lists for adoption. Some who’ve been forced to kill the baby that generated are not so happy.

research shows that after any abortion, it is common for women to experience guilt, depression, feelings of being “dirty,” resentment of men, and lowered self-esteem. What is most significant is that these feelings are identical to what women typically feel after rape. Abortion, then, only adds to and accentuates the traumatic feelings associated with sexual assault. Rather than easing the psychological burdens of the sexual assault victim, abortion adds to them.

This was the experience of Jackie Bakker, who reports: “I soon discovered that the aftermath of my abortion continued a long time after the memory of my rape had faded. I felt empty and horrible. Nobody told me about the pain I would feel deep within causing nightmares and deep depressions. They had all told me that after the abortion I could continue my life as if nothing had happened.”

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That’s why abortion care should not end after the abortion. It should just be starting. True?

Raising a child isn’t “inconvenient”. That is an incredibly condescending way to minimize such a monumental life decision.

What someone else wants to do with their life and body is none of your business. You don’t know everyone’s story nor should you. Medical decisions should be between a woman and her doctor. There’s no space between them for the government or religous “leaders”, or YOU.

Don’t want an abortion? Don’t have one. Don’t want abortions to happen at all? Too ■■■■■■ bad.

No one thinks of the humanity of the person in the womb. She is exactly a person who has experienced life because of the no exception. This is a lazy argument in the first place, since rape is way less than 1 percent of abortions, but is the beginning of rationalization to then say all abortion is okay, just a choice. Humanity of the baby even conceived in rape, is rarely considered, even by many on the pro life side.

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