Alabama church had a revival meeting last week. now they almost all have covid-19

You think we’re going to stock enough N95 masks for 350 million people?

Same authority that lets them send national officers in to round up citizens.

Rationalizing the lie.

How do we know they weren’t wearing masks at the revival?

No. But if we took the virus seriously in January and February in March we would have been in better shape. Particularly either the national production act.

350 million warrants? Round up people not wearing masks? Make not wearing a mask a federal crime?

There is statutory authority for arresting rioters.

I’d wager they weren’t…Most likely they were mostly Conservative individuals and were’t going to wear mask because, you know…all that science and stuff is for us Libs…

That doesn’t seem to relate to my post.

Then why didn’t CDC have hundreds of millions or more mask stock piled for such event? It wasn’t like this wasn’t going to happen. That was suppose to be their job…prepare for pandemic.

Some probably were and others not. It would be am assumption, much like what you posted above.

You feel you are more sciency than I am?

The mistake was that CDC wasn’t prepared.

:rofl: It destroys your post.

This story shows the error of your post. The person who infected the church displayed no symptoms

It would take a facility the size of Utah with absolute climate control to store them.

Not at all.

The reason that guidance was given is because we didn’t have enough PPE.

Had we been proavice in Jan and Feb maybe we would have had enough PPE and everyone would have been masked in march when the ■■■■ hit the fan.

Couldn’t tell ya…don’t know you well enough. But in general imo Conservatives seem to he anti science etc…Just listen to the CEC, they seem to like to mock the educated.


Well - is the CDC in charge of the stockpile? I’m not sure about that.

Yes, they failed in that regard.That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive to wear masks

No, that’s just not true.

We didn’t know virus carriers could be asymptomatic?