al-Baghdadi Dead!

The rumor has been he was either somewhere in the middle of the desert in eastern Syria or in the wasteland border region of Syria and Iraq. Instead Idlib? That’s right in the middle of the hot zone were the SAA and Russia was fighting former Al-Nusra and the SDF.

ISIS was ran out of that region a long time ago, I never would have thought he would have been there, and instead pulled a Saddam or Osama and hidden away from the battle. Anyways good riddance.

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Let’s be happy a bit that the leader of the JV team has been killed before going back to “Orange man Bad” he was a menace who launched genocide killing over 100,000 people across the region. Rejoice a monster has been killed :partying_face: :beer:

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I was surprised he was in Idlib as well as how he got there with the most recent reports he was hiding in the middle of the desert somewhere Eastern Syria.

Here here this scum’s demise should be celebrated I hope (Wishful Thinking) they will bring the troops home now.

Ya he was hiding in the most active conflict zone in Syria in Idlib.

Just giving a preview of what will happen Sunday morning and the next few weeks.

My bad, I meant NW Syria.

I also see it was Syrian opposition controlled area.

Granted he will definitely be bragging the baffoon he is. This particular instance I’m just happy one less genocidal maniac roaming around. Technically that is it for ISIS with the caliph dead, of course we all know some new manifestation of Wahhabism will take his place sooner than later.


Killing bad people in the world is good. Another one bites the dust.

Don’t be an isolationist. It is proven bad policy over and over.


Died: Oct 26, 2019, Barisha, Syria

Cause of death: Suicide vest

Someone clean that ■■■■ off the floor.


I suspect Trump is getting pissed that the media is pre-empting his big announcement.

However if the Isis leader is dead its good news. As long as Trump does not talk as if he personally bagged him then no criticism from me.

However, I suspect Isis already has someone lined up to take over. I dont really know enough about this dude to say if this will be as big a propaganda coup as when Bin Laden was killed.

I was in Afghanistan the day bin-Laden was put down.

Guess what didn’t happen? lol

Honestly mate I have no idea. Knowing you this could be a serious post or setting me up for piss taking LOL. :smiley:

The war didn’t end.

We didn’t go home.

al-Qaeda didn’t go away.

The Taliban didn’t stop fighting.

We were told to watch our asses more carefully. lol


Ha so basically it was business as usual.

Though it makes sense you were given the warning to be even more alert.

After I got home, I saw video of some people celebrating the occasion in front of the White House. It was a feel-good contrast to the atmosphere in Logar Province.

The day after, if you didn’t already know about it on the news, you wouldn’t even have noticed bin-Laden’s absence. :man_shrugging:


Yeah that makes sense. Taking out the infrastructure is more important than the leader.

Wonder how he was identified?

This is good news for the US and especially for the Saudis.

I congratulate President Trump on taking the risk of authorizing the raid, the military who carried it out and the liberal Deep State intelligence community for locating the SOB.


Might sound gross, but most of his face was probably somewhere nearby the detonation point. Happens more than you might think.

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