Agriculture Department suspends data collection for honeybees after Trump budget cuts

They tried to keep bees from crossing the border, but only the Africanized ones.

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Pretty much.

Amazing the lengths you will go to in order to attack Democrats. Democrats didnā€™t suspend this study, the Trump administration did.

Yeah, ā– ā– ā– ā–  the environment! The last remaining great conservative policy.

Beeā€™s are our friends.

Theyā€™re welcome around me.

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Please feel free to point to me where I said the Agriculture Department paid for the parade.

The point was the blatant hypocrisy of Trumpsters lecturing us about anything relating to fiscal responsibility.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: this is the outrage of the day?

A third is done by bees

FOX News, like many in the media, circulated the narrative far and wide. Citing the National Resources Defense Fund, which passed along the comment as accepted wisdom, ā€œone of every three bites of food Americans consume comes from a plant visited by bees or other pollinators.

All of those suitably proportioned values added up to less than $15 billion using data from 1996 to 1998. According to the USDAā€™s census of agriculture, the market valueof our food supply then was $197 billion, which means bees would account for about 7.4 percent of agricultureā€™s value. To be sure, thatā€™s a substantial amount, but itā€™s hardly one third.

BTFO by your own guys, smh

A partisan answer

Oops. :+1:Not sure why bee data is considered essential anyway.

I used to have a few bee hives but they certainly were not essential.

Pretty sad.

I donā€™t watch Fox and I donā€™t give a ā– ā– ā– ā–  what the market value is.

Come on. Can we we be bipartisan on something?

ā€œBetween April 2018 and the same month this year, beekeepers in the U.S. lost about 40.7 percent of their colonies, according to a report by of the Bee Informed Partnership, a program partly run by the University of Maryland and Auburn University.ā€

Letā€™s not have a bunch of arguments about how bees are not important. At this point everyone should know that theyā€™re critical.

Email your representatives and tell them that this is unacceptable.

Why should we care about bees? I got stung when I was a kid and I didnā€™t like it at all.


Why do we need beesā€¦

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Oh. I stand corrected. I guess bee loss is a bad thing.

Can I still hate mosquitoes?

why do you hate florida?

I have many reasons.

the never ending tales of Florida man is better then most things out of hollywood

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Tales of Florida are better from afar than up close.