Agriculture Department suspends data collection for honeybees after Trump budget cuts

Yes he did. Did the D house pass the bill? You know it doesn’t land on the presidents desk first :smiley:

Where does the House responsibility end and the Senate and President’s responsibility begin? Ever?

This has nothing to do with House budgets or Senate votes or Trump signing a document. It’s the administration, through the cabinet, deciding where and where not to push an agenda.

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But he’s got the final say.

House or senate members set the budget for the Dept of AG.

President signed it. If D’s objected it was too low why’d they pass it out of the house?

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What cabinet member told them to cancel the research? Linked article states it was a review by those in the department to make sure they stay on budget and it was found to be a lower priorty to their mission statement.

Unless you have a link that says otherwise . . . it wasn’t Trump, wasn’t a cabinet member . . . .

No he doesn’t :smiley:

The administration, through the cabinet, has lots of leeway as to how budgeted money gets spent.

The linked article seems to be a shortened version of the original CNN article. The bee studies/data collection began under the Obama administration, so of course Trump administration wants to roll that back. Why do you think an administration gets to appoint officials to run these departments?

So the President has no responsibility here or ever.

The way this president ignores the congress and the law no telling the effect his bad management has on the budget.

So a program that is less than 8 years old was cut due to budget concerns.

Or for an agenda.

Yes they do. And it appears that due to budget constraints, they needed to look at research and programs the department is doing, and this one didn’t make the cut. What program/research would you have cut to make this one stay?

So it wasn’t to stay within budget then? Only agenda?

Yes they do. He could have vetoed it and kept the government shut down.

Examples of bad spending by Dept of Ag? Please and thank you.

Like this.

Last year, the Trump administration reversed an Obama-era rule barring the use of neonicotinoids, a chemical family that is one of the major culprits in colony collapse disorder, in wildlife refuges. And the Environmental Protection Agency has granted “emergency” permissions to 18 states to spray an insecticide that’s considered “highly toxic” to bees.

The administration recently axed restrictions on the very class of insecticides most responsible for major declines in bee populations. That should be in caps. MAJOR declines in bee populations.

In the long run, that will rank among the most destructive and irresponsible things Trump will be held responsible for. Fully one third of everything we eat is directly dependent on pollinators to produce food.

Whether or not this incident has serious repercussions is debatable, but it has become abundantly clear that Trump is completely disinterested in beneficial environmental policies. We can probably withstand four years of that bull ■■■■■ but if he gets re-elected we will pay dearly for such gross negligence.

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I mean, no one honestly believes that 456 dummies from 50 states debate upon which honeybee studies the USDA should conduct, do they?

But he accepted therefore he owns it.

Showing any bad spending will just be met by, “not Trump’s fault”, so why bother.

We need to keep bees from coming across the border and taking asylum in America. We’re full. :slight_smile:

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