After years of being shot up by white supremacists, Emmett Till memorial to be replaced with bulletproof version

A memorial to the victim of a lynching is not the same as every other “sign.”

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Man, that’s a ■■■■■■■ stretch.

You have quite an imagination!

Murdered Tillman = deer sign now?


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Less of a stretch than the people who act like shooting up this memorial is like taking a shot at a stop sign.

Wow. Thank God you don’t write the laws. lol

This whole Bigot Hunting Fatwā has gotten waaay out of control. A group of morons pose for a bad picture, and now they need to be hunted down like terrorists.

Maybe we should drone strike them. lol

The ethos that led to the lynching of Emmet Till remains strong.

Remember that time a couple of members of the New Black panther party stood outside of a polling place in a black neighborhood in Philly and the Right lost it’s ■■■■■■■ mind?

And now I see people throwing out a no big deal on this.

Crazy times.


As we have heard time and time again from our friends on the right, those brown skinned people were likely thugs. Menacing.

And white people doing the exact same, if not worse? Troubled kids. Come from a good home though. Bright futures and they need a second chance.


It’s almost like white privilege is a thing or something.

Emmitt Till was killed because of the lies a white woman told. She admitted years later that she lied. No charges. But Jussie Smollett, we need to lock his ass up!

I don’t think those kids were sending a message to the black community.
I think they were sending a message to their peers “look at us be naughty, non-PC and cool”.

Which doesn’t invalidate anything that the black community might feel about their photo. Their intent and their result might not match. And their result isn’t limited by their intent.

Now tell me the difference between a picture of some people standing in front of a sign with guns, and actually having to walk past a person with a gun to get into a polling place. Not one who lost my mind over it, but the optics of THAT (aka walking physically past a person holding a gun to get into your polling place) is not right.


Kids standing with guns next to a sign is WORSE than physically having to walk past a person carrying a gun to vote???

I think the thing in person is much worse (since your comparing the two) than looking at a picture.

They weren’t holding guns.

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Pictures I saw they had a rifle slung over their shoulder.

You are remembering incorrectly.

One of them had a billy club.

Only pics I can find it looks like a large metal pipe he’s holding. Person STILL has to physically walk past that person to vote.

That is still far worse than looking at a picture.

As I said… Some lost their mind over one incident and see the other as no big deal.

It is crazy