After the dems ban AR-15's then what?

yes he is, and since he JUST won the Primary and is now the offical head of the party and the Dem nominee for President of the United States - Its absurd to claim he isnt…

Then again -Only last week you claimed Trump was NOT the head of the Republican Party.

Yes there was. And nobody “let” anybody get shot.

And no where in there does he state hes coming to ban all guns, certainly not pistols.
The OP asked what happens after he bans AR-15? Implies they will come for pistols.

Despite ZERO evidence and 40+ year record of him not once suggesting it.

Pleease give me the details on the bill that was proposed that banned all guns.

No, he’s not. He’s a figurehead, a place holder to attract the moderates.

Trump is not the head of the GOP. How many republicans just spoke at the democratic convention? If they could get away with it, “the GOP” would throw him out on his ear.

“All” :rofl: Nice try. Look at the criteria and tell me how many would have been on that list that weren’t “assault weapons”.

Did the '94 ban address pistols? Why yes, yes it did.

They will include restrictions on pistols just like they did in '94.

Nice fantasy, but false.

It is absolutely true. And you know it.

Hell they’re admitting it about Biden.

Won’t effect me and my sporting clays shooting.

Who is “They”. Send me a quote

One term.

Do you honestly believe that Joe Biden wants Kamala Harris for VP?

Well, there you go.

Just place a ten million per cent sales tax. Problem solved.

I think Joe Biden had the final say, yes.

What does “one Term” mean? You keep making up fantasies.
Didnt you also say months ago “NO WAY Biden wins the nomination”. You were pretty convinced then that the liberal wing wouldnt let it happen…
yet here we are

The exact opposite was actually the case.

From this “bastion of Lib thought”- Forbes:

You might be surprised to learn that the language was offered in a Senate amendment proposed by none other than Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid. While this news may come as a shock to those who view Reid as a leader of the left, politics will always trump ideology and—in the State of Nevada—politics dictates that running for office as a gun supporter is a way better idea than seeking office as a gun regulator. So, it should shock nobody that Senator Reid is a long-time gun rights advocate who has consistently counted upon the support of the NRA when running for election in his home state.

And this:

Further, there was concern that a conspiracy theory then in circulation among right-wing circles—a meme suggesting that the Obama Administration had cleverly planted language in the ACA that could be used as a tool to get to the guns—would further erode public support for the legislation.

You know what it means.

Did I? It’s possible, but I don’t think so. Can you quote it please?

Aye all is well with the world for folk that don’t want to look like wannabe GI joes

Who is “they” and where are “they” “admitting” this?

Exact opposite? Reid is not Biden.