After the dems ban AR-15's then what?

Go try to get a permit to carry Ray.

If you live in Calf how do you not know that your states ban on high capacity magazines was just ruled unconstitutional.

Let the Boogaloo begin

I could almost completely not care what the SC says on the matter.

The actual plain text of the constitution disagrees, and anything else is legislating from the bench.

There’s gun control I agree with… but pass a dang amendment like the constitution requires.

I would draw a sharp distinction between what AOC wants and Biden, a long time centrist.

Biden is not in charge.


Republicans said there same about Gore, Kerry, Obama, and Clinton

Same recycled talking points every election

Yes he is

Change the record. We were told Obama did not only want to take them but would take them. Where are yours right now?

Biden has a history- assault weapons ban, etc. He has taken actions before and will again. Obama was unknown. No history.

Lmao Obama was an unknown. In 2012 we were told the same thing and he wasnt an unknown but good to know that all the bs rhetoric about Obama taking guns was just that because he was unknown.


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Nothing on Biden having a history? He’s from PA but doesn’t give a ■■■■ about the 2nd at all.

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The OP is all about how Biden will come for your pistols next. That he will come for your guns (same argument always used).
You kill your own argument.
Biden has been around forever, he did help write the assualt weapons ban.
Please list all the time he has tried to ban all guns?

The OP is about banning ARs, unless I missed something in there. I believe the point is that gun control people are never satisfied. First it’s ARs/“assault weapons” (which can be defined so loosely as to make all firearms non-conforming) - then when something else happens, something else needs banned.

You deny this?

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Yes I do.
The assualt weapons bad even expired and we let 20 kids get shot in a elementary school and still no bigger bad was proposed, while he was VP!

It’s just the same recycled talking points year after year. “They are coming for you Guns”

He, you used the same scare tactic for VA last year and yet, still no ban on guns.

Next election, it will be the same talking points.

Just like every Presidental elections since Gore has featured “the most liberal senator on the Dem ticket” according to you all.

Frankly, it’s getting boring. Where the originality??

He had a Dem majority in both houses his first two years in office.

Never went after guns.

Surely that can’t be true given all the rhetoric that “he is after your guns”?

No, he is not. It is silly to make that claim.

In 2013

Yes they did. They tried to slip a provision into Obamacare for doctors to ask about guns in the home.

And obamacare was all they worked on.

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