Addressing the elephant in the womb

I too am willing to compromise. I wouldn’t outlaw it but put some conditions after a certain time (4 months let’s say).

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Here’s a link to the study I referenced earlier.

The steep drop in teen pregnancies and abortions in Colorado since 2009 is mainly due to one thing: free, low-cost access to IUDs.

That’s a pretty amazing result. And saved the state money!

I would think pro-life people would be all for rolling out a similar program nationwide if their goal is to reduce abortion.

Meri, as an ardent opponent of abortion, are you for this?

I’m prolife on both, against the death penalty too, however the difference is the baby in the womb killed no one, whereas the librerals usually defend murderers, ain’t it strange that ‘choice’ which means ‘choice to kill’ people, usually defend murderers but not innocent babies.

Most pro-choice people I know don’t perceive the fetus (within certain times) as a baby. So your paragraph, while making sense from your point of view, is not accurate from a pro-choice person’s view.

As to the death penalty, I support it to a certain extent. I am uneasy knowing mistakes will be made.

Govt should promote drugs that counter contraceptives?


There are no however.

Life is life.


Ya that argument gets repeated ad nauseam. The premise that a 4 week old fetus is a “baby” or “person” is up for debate. Simply saying “life is life” is circular and begs the question. At what point does life have meaning? Seems like they cant get beyond the fetus arbitrarily having human DNA. Then, they ignore that the fetus isnt conscious, and is connected to the mother’s body. But they continue to frame it as the murder of some separated newborn.

He asked a question…he didnt insert anything…

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How do you propose to make it easier.

By the way, Borgia, stop asking the question. We are not “with” each other. At all. We see this issue from two very different perspectives. It does not bother me that you are not “with me”. You have your perspective and your reasons. Why does it seem to matter so much to you that I be with you? Let’s just stay on topic and have the discussion. :sunny:

You are asking the wrong person. Suffice it to say that they can cause other medical problems, one which caused major problems for a close family member. Secondly, I am not a big fan of teens being encouraged to have sex.

Borgia is just asking if you agree…

The definition is based on evidence…

Read the link.

I would think being ardently pro-life that you would embrace a solution that reduced abortion by 60%.

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Everything has risks associated with it. Giving birth has risks associated with it, probably much higher than the risks of IUD use. Vaccines have risks yet we accept those risks.

I understand you aren’t a fan of teen sex. Not many people are yet most seem to have had sex in their teens. We can talk about ideals until we are blue in the face but doesn’t that kind of pale in comparison to the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent lives? You would think that sort of atrocity might spark people to think that instead of searching for panaceas that dealing in reality and accepting nonideal solutions might be warranted. Or are those lives not worthy of a non-ideal solution?

And despite birth control being more readily available now than 30 years ago we have seen a drop in teenagers having sex. Perhaps your linkage of availability of birth control encouraging teen sex is unfounded? If so, which data supports, would you reconsider supporting the Colorado plan or one like it?

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We have already had cases where women who have miscarriages are harrassed by the law…suspected of “intentionally miscarrying” if you can imagine that.

What 16 year old boy was executed? Oh…hyperbole. That sure helps.

So, you DO believe in conditions and exceptions.

Here are my questions: (1) Is this device encouraging teens to have sex? (2) What is the failure rate? (3) How many have the side effects that can result in infections and even infertility?

These IUD’s do not prevent STDs. Is STD on the rise among teens in Colorado?

I understand wanting to offer pro-choice people pablum and have them agreeing with another path. Since I believe in natural methods of contraception, the bottom line would be then I believe in contraceptives–and that is not something over which I am going to quibble.

However, look at how people see things differently. “Look! IUD’s will prevent abortion!” That is one way to look at it. However, how about looking at it as, “What are the best ways to prevent pregnancy?” No contraceptive prevents abortion. When it fails, abortion is often considered the next option, the Final Solution, if you will.

Would you be in favor of the government outlawing abortion–instead paying for IUDs for all who want them? Would that convince everyone to eschew abortion on demand since the government offered them another option?

You are aware that the Emergency Contraceptive (Morning After) pill is not a pill that aborts, rather, it prevents conception?

Not true, you know.