Addressing the elephant in the womb

Not as said, no. Responsibility and self-discipline should do it. We don’t need door-to-door distribution of birth control. Where I live, three stores within a fifteen minute walk has everything; if I’m at work, then there are four other stores within that fifteen minutes with the same supplies.

Huh? Youd rather the government pay for childcare than birth control pills? You do realize that infants born into poverty put a large strain on society, yes? Yes its “responsibility” but in the real world we deal with the real world. Itd be nice if we could all sing kumbaya

Easy access to birth control reduces abortion significantly. It seems you are more against easy access to birth control than abortion. You would rather keep the govt small than save human life from abortion.

Pro-life indeed.

Not what I said. I pointed out that like toilet paper and feminine hygiene products, birth control is readily and easily available. I said I expect personal responsibility and self-discipline. Do you think that is too much to expect of people?

Would you rather people get abortions? Who cares what you “expect” of people. They’re going to get abortions. They are going to have sex. This is the real world. What’s wrong with helping people get easy access to birth control, so that we limit abortions in society? Pro-life right? Or, is it as long as it doesn’t cost you money, personally?

Honestly I’m not 100% on where my stance is on the whole abortion issue.

But if there is one thing I do not understand about the pro-life movement is their resistance and outright denial of anti contraceptives…

It’s a NIMBY thing. Not in my backyard.

Pro life. As long as it doesn’t affect me.

In fact there’s one other thing too that just boggles my mind about the pro-life movement is that they really care about the child making it to the other side but once it’s born let’s say it’s born under poor circumstances they don’t support any social safety nets for those children.

So it’s kind of like Welcome To Earth good luck

Yep, exactly. They say take responsibility. Then say no dont let the mother take responsibility of her own pregnancy. Then say it was the mother’s fault I ain’t payin’ for it. Pro life - unless we have to be a part of it.

Do you have a specific case in mind? I can give you the Catholic position. Back in the 1960s, Catholics believed that Pope Paul VI would approve the Birth Control Pill as a contraceptive. But then he had an experience during prayer that had him rethinking this. If sex became recreational rather a couple being aware a new life could come from it, then when life occurred anyway the next step would simply be to do away with the life that shouldn’t have occurred to begin with. He saw the Pill as the step leading to wide-spread abortion–and acceptance of wide-spread abortion.

The Catholic teaching on life is that it is a gift bestowed by God and it is to be treated and treasured as such.

Now, had it turned out differently–that the Pill was used only by married couples, and that that those seeking abortions had been drastically reduced, would that have given the Church cause to rethink the matter fifty years later? We will never know, because what Pope Paul VI foresaw, came to pass: Sex is now a recreational activity outside of marriage, and abortion is widespread.

Good thing we dont let religions run our government. Most pro life advocates are pushing a religious viewpoint. (Not all) - btw, recreational sex is healthy. Married or not.

Yeah see that makes no sense to me, I am not Catholic…personally I agree with you the more unplanned pregnancies and abortions that we can avoid the better.

Sex becoming recreational means little to me, because frankly it is and has been since its existence.

Now if you as an individual want to adhere to a certain religious belief or doctrine that teaches otherwise fine. But your beliefs do not and should not dictate what others do.

I am a married man with two children myself and I completely understand the benefits of having a strong and healthy marriage especially for my family.

To me it is backwards thinking to not promote birth control, the biggest thing that breaks my heart truly is to see a child suffer pre and after birth and so if we can prevent that in my book that’s a win.

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You don’t have to be religious to view abortion as morally wrong after the fetus hits a certain stage. It’s fairly inhuman to kill a baby at 20 weeks, I would argue after 12 weeks it should not be legal.

20 weeks

Coming from someone who is not a very religious person that’s pretty disgusting killing at that stage of the game.

We probably agree on this point. Where I disagree with the government is that I don’t think any government should have anything at all to do with abortion. Government’s stand should be, “We do not and will not support the killing of innocents.” Now, if the government chooses not to prosecute, I am fine with that as long as they do not in any way encourage or fund abortion. The aborting of twenty to thirty percent of each generation should never have government approval.

Personally I do believe the government has a role I would even call it a responsibility in the promotion of contraceptives.

I think 20 weeks is too late as well. However, that’s simply based on emotion. Is there consciousness at 20 weeks? A person isnt a person until they are conscious for the first time.

I think 3 months should be enough time to make the choice?

They’re getting pretty close at the point to being able to survive outside the womb, thats to close for me. You know I am not exactly a hardline pro life person, I would just like to see a hard age limit, yours and mine might differ which is ok. To me 12 weeks would be the cut off at that point they have the shape of a baby but are only the size of a lime.

At 20 weeks thats a fully formed baby with fingers and toes, and the woman has the baby bump. I think your emotional response is the correct one.

I think there could definitely be a middle ground. Enough time for a woman to choose, but also a limit. 3 months to me sounds reasonable, but like you said everyone is different

I propose making it even easier to access. And personal responsibility is exemplified by the use of birth control. You with me?