Adam schiff Is Out Blowing His Little Whistle Again

One day someone will show the electronic trail to this $1.5 B Hunter Biden supposedly has.

Really. Well that is how the Russia dogma sounds to me as well.

We will have a lot more coming.

Let’s make it fun.


Originated from??

Don’t think so.

I like this. Just ignore Russia. I’m not saying they are but even if they are just don’t pay attention.

Prioritize China does not imply ignoring Russia or any other world power.

Everyone impacted by CV19 will reevaluate thier relationship with China.

This can work out well with more balanced trade and less dependency for essential goods.

We get no such products from Russia.

The whistleblower report is referring to intelligence regarding election interference.

The concept of prioritizing intelligence regarding CV19, trade, cyber security or other areas can be made, but when discussing election interference, Russia should be prioritized.

“Election interference!”

Posts on Facebook. What are you going to do about it?

Should it? And if China and/or Iran are interfering, why should Russia be prioritized?

Though really, facebook ads and some tweets mixed in with the millions of looney tweets out there anyway…sometimes I forget myself and think this “foreign interference” stuff is a real thing.

The Russians didn’t unleash the 'Rona, that was Chi-NAA.

Mod Note

Knock off the personal attacks.

Are there any confirmed reports of China attempting to interfere in this years election? Something more than just Barr saying so?

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Schiff ty didn’t get the memo…

Today is bob woodwards tds day…Schiff wasn’t supposed to try to get a headline till tomorrow…

I m really seriously starting to think the left really is happy to just hide Biden in his basement and campaign with a series of empty charges aimed at Trump.

I have seen no confirmed reports of Russian interference.