Adam schiff Is Out Blowing His Little Whistle Again

adam schiff is hoping to reconvene his permanent select committee on impeachment.

Weird timing right??

This guy has russia on the brain.

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That’s tomorrow’s TDS, Schiff jumped the gun.

The DHS appointments are trump’s “yes men.”

Where was schiff and his orchestra of whistle-blowers when *bama was busy letting russia “interfere” in our election in 2016??

He was on the same committee back then, no??

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Eric and Sean, whatever happened to them?

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Where does the article state that Schiff is “hoping to reconvene permanent select committee on impeachment”?


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Sounds like some lower level person doesn’t like it that he is not the final decider on intelligence matters. I am sure this will get the same hysterical action that the rehashed stories about downplaying the virus and not going to the cemetery got, though.
For undecides, its a little close to the election, and it is Schiff. There should be little credibility here.

The NYTs, Schiff, and some anti Trumper buried in the intelligence community. And right before an election.

It must be true.

What does Schiff have to do with the whistle blower report?
Have you read it?

I wonder if the whistleblower already met with Schiff’s aids?

No. I await it eagerly. So far, the only sources of information is Schiff. If it were a more reasoned, less biased source, I might be more concerned.
As Schiff holds no credibility, the story as of yet holds no credibility. Why would Schiff rush it out to the press with no evidence?

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The story I saw had nothing about how Schiff got this supposed document. Isn’t there some procedure other than going directly to a like minded Democrat who hates Trump?

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AP’s seen it.

and op’s story has a link to it

It has been posted on the house site.

Thanks. I will read it when I have time, expectedly soon.

Oops. Should have waited until Monday. You think Woodward will be mad?

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Check the signature at the bottom of the document. The lawyer for the named whistle blower sent it to Senate and House committees for Intel and Homeland Security.

Schiff already sent out a letter to depose Murphy/whistleblower on Sep 21


The main purpose of this Forum is to promote the name and presence of our esteemed host, Sean Hannity. It is through his generosity, that the forums have been made available.

Not to worry. We’ve been watching Trump long enough to expect multiple scandals being brought to light simultaneously.

Ok. I scanned through much of the report. Its obvious that the intelligence organizaton was very split. To the extent that Murphy’s complaint is that higher ups get the final say…then welcome to the world. To the extent that he can prove someone knowingly lied to Congress about a factual known matter, that could be something else.
Here we go again…I guess.

BTW, what happened to Clapper for lying to congress?
Yes…whataboutism. So what?

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Was there a criminal referral?

Why hasn’t Senate Intel called on Murphy to testify? Will they? This whistleblower put his name on the dotted line. He seems like a guy that would have receipts to back up his allegations.