Accused white supremacists ‘serial rioters’ plead guilty over racist mayhem in Charlottesville

That’s pretty cool. Everything is a false flag unless proven otherwise. anything done by a right winger though. Left wingers are either plants or they did it for real

Cool position

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Cool staw man.

Tiki torches would be a perfect straw man symbol.

So this is not a possible false flag until proven otherwise?

The 5 Operatives were rather cartoonish and got IDed quick.

Is that a true flag operation?

In 2017?

Sorry. It’s 2021 now. McCauliff is the topical rat.

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Ah. Gotcha. Don’t be sorry.

ßBacklash Against Tiki Torch Stunt May Hurt Terry McAuliffe’s Tuesday Election Chances Backlash Against Tiki Torch Stunt May Hurt McAuliffe's Election Chances

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Doesn’t make 2017 any more contrived.

For you.

Confirmation bias.

For me. I still smell divisive rats.

The stunt favors my POV.

Of course you do. A false flag until proven otherwise. It’s an easy world view. No true Scotsman and all.

Richard Spencer is a liberal plant. He even endorses Biden. Arghl blarghle

And you are using confirmation bias wrong. Just as an fyi

The mirror response.


Those 5 morons with the tiki torches.

Hilarious and contrived.

If McCauliff loses…priceless.

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I already said good that it’s hurting him

We covered that. Richard Spencer is real. Not all powerful as some on the left used to think. Not representative of the right or convservstives. But he is real and fringe and charlostville wasn’t a false flag. It’s relatively simple but for some imagined victimhood is easier.

You forcing that dialogue change is exactly what is contrived.

Spencer is nothing. You animate. I bury.

I am not forcing anything. He is nothing now and he was given too much of a pedestal back then. But again that doesn’t change the fact that Charlotteville is real.

And how are you burying if you wants questions to be asked. You want someone who can ask to ask. Hardly burying. You want Charlottesville to be contrived because it’s a dirty and gross.

It was.

Dirty…gross…contrived are all good bedfellows.

Trump predicted at the time that the vocal radicals would not stop with Confederate statues.

How has that aged?

Who gives a flying ….?

Dirty and gross and contrived are bed fellows but they can also be mutually exclusive.

Again i get the reason why

Everyone gets it.

You put pants on one leg at a time same as any.

Truth eventually reveals itself.

How many tikki torches are in those 120 cargo container ships outside Long Beach? I bet enough to light Central Park.

I really want to know who is doing lectures on how to post in smorgasbord. I mean you get an A but holy wow

You are engaged so it must have appeal.

C’mon man…how many tikki torches are trapped in containers off the port of Long Beach.