Accused white supremacists ‘serial rioters’ plead guilty over racist mayhem in Charlottesville

You don’t know what the SA was? They had another name…Brownshirts.

Aka storm detachment. Sturmabteilung


One of the evilest men the world has ever seen…

" Goebbels, who aspired to be an author, obtained a Doctor of Philosophy degree…"

Wanted to write books and be a doctor of philosophy.

The evil only comes out when people are given the right opportunity at the right time in the right place. That’s why we always need to beat the evil back or we end up in a very bad place.

Ah so. Still not going to happen. You guys are giving these clowns way too much credit.


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It was a sloppy half hearted effort.

They are usually better at covering the connections.

I always thought the 2017 protest was contrived. The narrative was too forced.

Another thing…tikki torches? That was a lazy effort and connection.

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Do you remember how the woke went apoplectic over the torches?


Sure. They are just so cheap and evocative of the beach…not night tremors.

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The woke turned them into KKK crosses.


Anyone who has ever had a back yard Hawaiian Luau should file a class action suit.

Tiki torches?!?!?

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Contrived like how?

Forced drama poorly applied.

Lack of genuine emotion.

Oh the response to it?

Tikki torches??

Lazy modern prop.

Sure but what’s contrived? The emotion of the people holding the torches?

Why the tikki torches?

Amateur prop to fit an amateur response.

None of the event or response had any authenticity to it.

Appropriate since the puppet President cited it as his reason to run even though addled by age.

So it was staged ? Those weren’t real white supremacists? The 2017 one i mean.

Props are used on a stage.

I would call it a con job getting the crowds together.

Then you get some expected trouble and one unexpected fatality from a vehicle.

Time to play it up

or Cool things off?

Sure it’s a con job but by who Spencer or the FBI?

Nobody wants to know that can ask.

So it CONTINUES to get played up with Youngkin. Thankfully this one backfired.