Accountants Must Turn Over Trump’s Financial Records, Lower-Court Judge Rules

Trump supporters make me laugh. So devoted to a politician. A “rich” New York politician lol.

You know who makes me laugh? The Trump haters who put all of their hopes in the schemes of the clowns who were supposed to save us all from Donald Trump. Failure after failure, they never give up. It’s truly fun to watch. The hysteria never ends.:yum:

This seems to describe what Barr did with the Mueller report

Sure. But wasn’t Shifty Schiff, Mad Maxine, Crying Chuck, Nadler. Mueller, Orr, the FBI and hundreds of others supposed to save us from Trump? Shouldn’t you save at least some of your anger for these epic failure nit wits?

Trump haters? Does that make you a Trump… lover? :rofl:

Yep! It’s exactly what Obama did when the courts ruled against him. So President Trump should tell that liberal activist POJ federal judge to go pound sand!! Let it go to the Supreme Court where Mr. President has a pretty good track record against deranged leftists!

Has it been mentioned yet that this further sets precedent for Trump’s other lawsuit trying to keep Deutsche Bank from handing over their documents? That case will be heard on Wednesday fwiw

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Why is everyone who is critical of Trump or in the legal system anyone that rules in a way that is not favorable to Trump automatically a leftist?

Have you ever considered the criticism might be valid or a judge might actually believe the decision they made?

This victim mentality conservatives have adopted is baffling.


Who’s angry?

He doesn’t have that luxury. The accounting company has Trump’s financial records. These are not documents that are being requested of Trump. They are being requested from Trump’s accounting firm.

The accounting firm will have to turn over they docs if Trump does not appeal. Doing nothing would ensure that the docs are turned over.

Could you understand then, using the same logic, that Kavenaugh must be biased against all dems and must resign?

To quote our esteemed Chief Justice.

There are no obama judges.

And as he wrote it’s not for the court to use its mind reading abilities to determine political considerations.

Mid term Elections have consequences.

And oversight is one.


The ruling by the judge, Amit P. Mehta of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Judge Mehta — an appointee of former President Barack Obama — said that justification was sufficient to make the subpoena valid.

I’m shocked…shocked I tell ya.

Anyone wanna side bet that if this goes to the SCOTUS, it’ll be overturned?

Someone’s been talking to the refrigerator again.


It’s ironically very similar to the ruling last year for the Fusion GPS bank records…

“The Subpoena at issue in today’s case,” Leon wrote in a 26-page opinion, “was issued pursuant to a constitutionally authorized investigation by a Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives with jurisdiction over intelligence and intelligence-related activities — activities designed to protect us from potential cyber-attacks now and in the future. The Subpoena seeks the production of records that have a ‘reasonable possibility’ … of producing information relevant to that constitutionally authorized investigation.”

“Although the records sought by the Subpoena are sensitive in nature — and merit the use of appropriate precautions by the Committee to ensure they are not publicly disclosed — the nature of the records themselves, and the Committee’s procedures designed to ensure their confidentiality, more than adequately protect the sensitivity of that information,” the judge added.

Leon dismissed as “conclusory” Fusion GPS’ assertion that its work for political clients would be chilled if the information the House panel demanded was provided to it.

Obligatory appointment data… Judge Leon was appointed by President GW Bush…

I’ll take your bet… What are the stakes? (I should point out that the last time an appeals court or the supreme court overturned a congressional subpoena was in 1880)

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Yeah…yeah…Fusion GPS is the exact same as the President of the United States of America. Exact…

That is 100% total bull feces that was stated for nothing more than to cover up this judge’s activism.

There is a difference… The Fusion GPS subpoena affected 25 clients and 30 contractors…

I’m willing to take your bet… What are the stakes? I even provided a little insight into the rarity of an appeals court or the supreme court quash a congressional subpoena.

The stake is a pizza…delivered where ever the winner decides.

It’s a bet… bookmarked for future dinner…

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are not you the one who stated that the R’s would hold the house in the 2018 midterms.

you record with bets isnt very good.
