Accountants Must Turn Over Trump’s Financial Records, Lower-Court Judge Rules

When you are ready to have a real discussion, rather than to double down on your Trump hating rhetoric, I’ll be here. :+1:

Seems to trigger the cons.

That’s just too funny.

I’ve been telling people for centuries! I’ve got 3rd cousins funny just like that!

And? When the GOP issued a subpoena for the bank records of Fusion GPS last year, what was your position?


That is not true. There have been 600,000 manufacturing jobs added since Trump became President not 5 million

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I think he counted all non-farm as manufacturing.

He’s right @altair1013

Its pwned…dont act hip…you’ll throw out your back


Take a break.

Lol…eating dinner and pointing out tou have no clue is my break.

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Can’t wait to hear this… lol

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Tou. Is that your Cambodian princess name?

Could be…

He is certainly far more intelligent than his critics!

How do you know?

I would like to add this to the what the ■■■■ file

Was the right thing to do. There really is no equivalency here, but thank you for asking. :wink:

Please explain the differences…

Weve hit a crisis…I didnt think so but we have.

Oooh. Soooo bitter. I love it!!! :crazy_face: