Accountants Must Turn Over Trump’s Financial Records, Lower-Court Judge Rules

Deja Vu Russia collusion.
Mueller knows. He has plenty.

Duh. Trumps personal attorney. Does that ring a bell?


Did I stutter?

Hear, hear!

You mean the felon? That guy? The same one who would say anything to reduce his prison sentence? That’s your credible resource? Allrightythen have fun with the investigation.

Uh, his sworn testimony?

There is no honor among thieves.

Oh…my l’il fluffer nutter. :sunglasses:

Yep the same. once congress get the Trumps financials it will see if Cohen was telling the truth or blowing hot air to save his skin. fair?


Feel free to answer at any time it’s not complicated


Congress is NOT free to investigate whatever they want.

Are you saying they are looking for something criminal in their request?
Are you saying they are looking for something to start impeachment?

Or are they doing what they are supposed to be doing and doing research for a legitimate legislative intent as the constitution says they can?

Isn’t Flynn Still waiting for sentencing? Isn’t he still co-operating before said sentencing? If so, then it has not been fully adjudicated and redaction is warranted. Judge over the case has said what parts of the Flynn information can and can not be made public.

You think that will be the end of it? They could probably determine this in about a month. But they need the investigations to be never ending.

Plus, it was already investigated by Mueller. Which is why Cohen is in prison. This is Mueller part 2. Same results.

No, he testified he ~THINKS~ the president did. He did not offer any type of evidice of the crime other than he thought the president did.

They literally say they are looking for things to fix laws…literally. and guess what…they have that right

And if he did (before Trump was president or a candidate), what can congress do to him?

So it’s NOT for a legislative purpose that they want stuff? Isn’t that the law they are using?

Any idea if that has been un-redacted and given to congress yet, as the judge ordered?

Apparently the dems are feeling the heat. Most have lost patience for investigations as well. They are meeting at 9 am tomorrow to discuss whether or not to proceed with impeachment.

They have to have a legislate reason. no matter how far fetched.

you dont like Trump being investigated, we get that,

Now you know how the Hillary supporters felt and it aint good.
