According to trump, wall is already being built

Discussion about this issue might be easier if the President wasn’t a lying conman with declining faculties who can’t maintain a consistent message for more than a few days.

If a President will only accept a funding bill that contains funding for implementing the ACA or for protecting our borders, they should say nothing until it reaches their desk and then veto it?

New funding should be done under normal order, not under the threat of shutdown… you are conflating with continuing funding that was already approved.

Like i said… republicans used to be against it before they were for it…

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No funding is needed…

The wall is already being built… probably be completed in a couple weeks…and it will be the best wall ever built…

So what needs to be funded?

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You really want to criminalize adultery again? Ok.

Never said criminalizing it…

Just pointing out that republicans used to be against adulterery and now they are for it…

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Oh. I’ll have to check the Republican Platform on that one.

Actions speak louder than words; look to the 2016 election results.

Trump doesn’t know what Trump wants at this point, apart from everyone’s worship.


The wall is already built.

The debt is gone.

Trumpcare is already in place.

ISIS is destroyed.

Hillary is in prison.

We are at war with Eurasia. We have always been at war with Eurasia.

Make America Doubleplus Good Again.

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Without wondering what all the bluster was about if the wall is already being built.

He just did that to punk libruls!

Well, if the wall is currently being built, does that mean the check from Mexico came in?

You missed it!

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Back a full decade ago when illegal immigration was much higher than it is now? Since when are decade±old votes relevant to today?

A better comparison would be the Senate passing a funding bill with no wall $$ by voice vote just weeks ago. Why are you not holding them to that?

It doesn’t follow that they’d be effective in all areas, though.