Absentee ballot fraud allegations roil North Carolina U.S. House race

I believe everybody who registers to vote should be made to work at least one mid-term election and at least one presidential election.

There would be a lot less insane ranting about how easy it is to commit voter fraud.

It would do wonders for our voting processes i do believe.

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The last big case of pernicious voting fraud that I remember discussing here was done in a Republican controlled county in Kentucky and was perpetrated by Republicans over several years. There was a lot of insider manipulation that went on with it. The exact kind of thing that Photo ID laws will not fix.

The conclusion that the Republicans must have cheated may be an example of the ecological fallacy or the Ludum fallacy.

It could indeed be a result of Republican fraud, but there could be other explanations.

One possible reason for the lower Democrat percentage could be that the Democrats didn’t organise their own cheating in Bladen so that their percentage in Bladen was uncharacteristically low, making the Republican count anomalously high. This could be from Democrat laziness in Bladen, or a deliberate tactic to create an anomaly and provide fodder for a complaint of Voter fraud against the republican to distract attention away from their own mischief-making.

Yes, investigate and prosecute anyone guilty of electoral fraud. But calls by democrats for investigation and severe punishment of criminals in this one county may come back to bite them in many other counties.

Voter fraud on this scale?..naw, can’t happen, this must be some sort of scam to disenfranchise someone somewhere somehow.

That’s your response?

It’s literally election fraud. By Republicans.

Yup, typed it up and everything.

Can’t be…that ■■■■ don’t happen, I’ve been told. This is just some ploy to disenfranchise someone somewhere somehow, just like it is every other time.

Leave it to cons to be the real fraudsters

After this shenanigan we definitely need to look closer at absentee ballots. I didn’t think people would be stupid enough to give a ballot to a person driving around in a car. But maybe they are.

If this is an isolated incident in one state then so be it. If this is a multistate thing then it needs to be investigated.

It’s rather amazing. After screaming about Voter Fraud for years, the instant we find something, every single Republican suddenly shuts up about it.

Maybe because 1) Voter ID wouldn’t have done anything to stop it, and 2) REPUBLICANS WERE THE ONES DOING IT.


Not surprising though, is it?

Yes to all that, including the projection. This story’s bonkers, the more you look into it. What a bunch of clowns.

As others have pointed out, it might be better to call this GOP election fraud. Calling it “voter fraud” implies, somehow, the voters did something wrong. They didn’t.

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As with Trump, their accusations are often really confessions.


No…not surprising. The One True consistancy is that every time…EVERY TIME…the trump…zees bring up some kind of accusation towards the Left, if we are patient and observant, we eventually find out they are the ones guilty of which they accuse the Left of.

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If there was fraud here, it should be dealt with accordingly. But until there is definitive proof presented, I’ll maintain the tried and true position of ascribing a nefarious intent behind those making the allegations as we’ve consistently done in the past.


"Leslie McCrae Dowless, a veteran political operative in Bladen County who was convicted of insurance fraud in 1992 and was connected to questionable absentee ballot activity in another election, is at the center of a probe into unusual activity in the county.

Dowless worked for Republican candidate Mark Harris, a Baptist minister who tallied 905 more votes than Democratic businessman and retired Marine Dan McCready."

Dude was already a fraudster.

I have to question the integrity and intelligence of anyone that wants to treat ridiculous claims in tweets the same as the case that is shaping up here.

I hope you’re just trolling.