Absentee ballot fraud allegations roil North Carolina U.S. House race

There’s still a large number of baby boomers, but that generation isn’t getting any bigger.

anytime anyone says the GOP is for freedom and democracy we know thats a lie.

If Republicans were doing voter fraud shenanigans there, it’s good that they are getting caught, the system works.

They may have believed their own Republican Media which constantly screams that voter fraud can’t be detected. Which makes me lol.


This really is seeming like it has been taking place for years. Suspected to be at the heart of the scheme is one Leslie McRae Dowless, a contractor associated with the Harris campaign. He was also involved with a 2016 primary election in which his employer mysteriously ended up with like 98% of the absentee votes despite finishing 3rd overall.

Sketchy as hell…and not something that can be fixed by Republicans yelling about “voter ID” in order to disenfranchise people.

I started this thread for a reason. I wanted to see how many Trump republicans (who seem to scream about voter fraud/cheating A LOT) would participate.

The current count is “1” participant in six days.

Now…how does voter ID help prevent this kind of fraud?

You’d think they’d learn to outreach…but I guess that’s too hard.

Election fraud finally is found in the United States and, of course, it’s in North Carolina; not in California or Michigan. Ladies and Gents, please pay attention to this because Republicans all around the county are emulating the North Carolina form of democracy.

I am so sick of Republicans in general. I doubt if I will ever vote for them again, and I was a big Republican voter from 18 - 30.


Trump: rigged elections!

(real election fraud appears to take place)

Trump: {silence}

So prominent Republicans were making unsupported allegations of voter fraud in Florida and California, and none actually materialized.

Now there is actual evidence of voter fraud in North Carolina, and they’re completely silent.

Is this why Republicans are so convinced that there is widespread voter fraud, because they engage in it?

It should also be noted that voter ID does nothing to combat absentee voter fraud, which when there is organized voter fraud is where it always organized. Voter ID is all about keeping people from voting, typically people who vote for the wrong people, i.e. Democrats.

This also shows how hard it is to actually pull off voter fraud.

But Republicans only committed election fraud to stop others from committing election fraud. They’re the good guys!!!


Everyone wants to talk about voter fraud in “theory” but when you get down to brass tacks, actual in person, boots on the ground fraud requires a lot of people to break the law. So yeah, good luck with that.


Let’s make sure we differentiate here: this is not voter fraud, this is election fraud. The difference does mean something in this case.


Republicans colluding to pull off massive voter fraud to rig elections? Good to know.

Fair enough… but it still shows that trying to commit fraud to turn an election one way or another is a a very hard thing to pull off.

dems wont seat Harris until the fraud investigation is over.

seems reasonable to me.


Seems this might not be a new things for these folks?

Lock him up! Kind of explains all the projection of voter fraud the right does.

Still only one Fox News Republican in this thread.