About that "transcript"

“High crimes” is a term of art, coming from the common law. It means an abuse of office, specifically a “crime” that could by definition only be committed by a person in a position of power or authority.

It does not require that a law be broken.

So you would agree it had nothing, ZERO, to do with biden as posted and highlighted by Apocalypto.

Thank you.

I’m still gobsmacked Donald released this memo thinking it was a good idea. And no one in his administration (that’s still loyal to him) thought to express concerns?


Exactly right. We didn’t know before that the AG was mentioned in the call. But the AG makes the decision to withhold the WB complaint. Sounds like recusal time to me.

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The Biden thing is the same damn paragraph. It’s his second favor request. Just read the five page memo if you have any interest in discussing this honestly.

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He won’t read it. You’re wasting your time.

I think this proves just how far removed they are from reality. They’ve drank their own Kool-Aid and believe to be above the law. Maybe they’ve all bought in to the Unitary Executive theory full bore. Or maybe they believe nothing Trump does can ever cause him to be held accountable. But it is staggering they voluntarily released this information.

Get well soon.

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Trump: “I would like you to do us a favor, though.”
<rambles for several sentences about insane Crowdstrike conspiracy theories and bashes a US ambassador>
“The other thing, there’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son[…]”

Looks like everyone agrees that Apocalypto was posting that quote completely out of context.

Including Apocalypto (going by his post above).

Now you agree too.


Think about this for a moment, Barr was ok with releasing this memo.



“But Donald himself released this memo, and…”


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I mean

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Which begs the question of how much worse the full truth really is. This call was clocked in at 30mins. There is no way the read out comes close to approaching that. What was left out that is even more damning?

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Why you editing?

Hard to fathom huh, coming from same group people that cried about IRS weaponizing. But sadly that whole thing was just idiot right wing not being able to think beyond what right wing media tells them. IRS investigated both left and right wing groups that had names that where clearly partisan, and only found one group in falut a left wing group. But right wing need to play the victim all time.

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I didn’t escape my angle brackets. Why are you deflecting?

If that’s true it’s the height of arrogance. What feels more plausible to me is that people within the administration are in CYA mode at this point and simply refuse to engage in damage control any longer.

Or maybe it’s just a perfect cocktail of arrogance, stupidity, and CYA.


No doubt and this doesn’t even include the 7 other calls which is in the whistleblower’s complaint.


You should be asking the WH that