Abolish the Democratic Party!

And we know who you are. I’ve already made the necessary requests to make sure your name is at the top of the list.

I agree! I think we should go back to the soldiers who served in WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq War, see which ones voted Democrat, dig up their remains (if they are deceased), and throw their remains in the ocean. Living vets who voted Democrat should be put on a ship and sent to Antarctica. They were traitors.

What say you, OP?

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Have you finished digging your bunker yet? Your abject fear is palpable.

Nah, this is true American Patriot like Donald Trump :us:


You’re not listening to…this guy…it’s both sides of the aisle and falling off their side is EXACTLY what’s happening right now.

FEMA camp roster
(1) Conan
(2) OP

only physically and mentally

This post brought to by the letter Q, low T and lack of vitamin D.


Conan’s name comes up constantly at our weekly lib roundtable.

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Negotiating with NK dictator without preconditions. Super conservative.

Increasing spending. Super conservative.

Blowing up the deficit. Super conservative.

Spending most of your presidency complaining and insulting. Super conservative.

Supporting adulterous candidates. Super conservative.

Paying off mistresses. Super conservative.

Major permanent tax cuts for corporations and those who make the most, while cutting taxes for those who make less by a smaller percent and making those cuts temporary. Super conservative.

I mean, if you call those things “rising of conservatism” and “winning” then so be it.


And those anti-establishment conservatives willingly admit that their end is making excuses for Trump trolling libs. It’s what they want and it’s what he’s doing. And they love him more each time he does it.

Lib is hiding behind that tree…get em!!!

This is my opinion as well.

But selling off the commons is part of the plan to starve social programs.

Was Norquist’s plan all along.

Don’t know if this was your first post here but it was sure a stupid one.

We need more great americans like you on these forums. Don’t stop!!!

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Hail Satan!


Higher deficit spending and skyrocketing debt pushed by one of the most immoral men ever to hold the office.

With the embrace of Trumpism the GOP not only left fiscal conservatives behind, it left social conservatives behind as well. Curiously, the latter group keeps following along like a dog ditched by its master at the side of the road, thinking that there must be some misunderstanding and he’ll be back in a bit to pick them up.

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Why stop there?

Let’s have them all rounded up and sent to re-education camps! In fact, let’s do that to each and everyone that every even voted for a Dem!


Now, stand beside me and feed me the ammunition…

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No we won’t, repubs and trump will block everything.