Able to sue China

Which is why they needed to shrink everyone else’s economies by spreading the virus as much as possible before the world realised how contagious it is.


Wow. Simply amazing.

You cant explain things that YOU post. LOL

Maybe the question should be what does it mean to you…representative nation.

I see @FloridaYankee is here…he’s a liberal. I bet he understand just what that means. Notice I said liberal here. :sunglasses:

Guy, YOU wrote it. Why is it so difficult to explain what YOU mean.

I think it’s an opportunity regain and strengthen our number one status among world economies.

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Is China a representative nation/goverment? Yes or no?

Sounds made up too me.

Someone’s triggered. You tell me what you mean.

Welcome to the forum.

My observation is that suing a foreign government is extremely difficutlt even if congress waives sovereign immunity and allows lawsuits. There is an ongoing lawsuit against the Saudi government for the 9/11 attacks from 19 years ago with no settlement in sight.

For reference, Judicial Watch already filed a $20 trillion lawsuit against China based on alleged violations of international bioweapons agreements. Proving a bioweapons violation would be especially difficult since the Chinese government has a pattern of intimidating or imprisoning people who say things that embarrass the government.

Here is a link to an earlier thread on the Judicial Watch lawsuit:

People in other countries can already sue the USG and US individuals.

I fully support hitting China with everything we can short of military action from the courthouse to the heaviest sanctions and reparations in World History as well as moving all critical manufacturing back to the US and as much of the rest of it out of China as possible.

Good effort for a first post though.