Able to sue China

I disagree with being able to sue China officials. Opening that can of worms could lead to other countries to be able to sue our officials. That being said, the way to devistate China is bring all our manufacturing back here. That will devistate thier economy, to where they will no longer be able to be a threat. They need us more than we need them.
And stop buying “Made IN China”
Thats how you get back at China


Decoupling sounds good to me. There are plenty of resources yet to be used right here at home. This country will be building fusion reactors before 2050. No better time than now to get started.

fusion reactors?

Sam Walton…is that you? :wink: :sunglasses:

“Buy American” “Bring manufacturing home” “Bell the cat”

China didn’t force American companies to go there and open up factories.

Who would force China to come to any court or obey any ruling against them? It’s a moot point if there’s no way to enforce it.

The only way to hold China accountable is if enough world leaders impose sanctions and businesses start pulling out. That is a process that would take time.

Your right, the Federal Government did with their myriad regulations on every step of the manufacturing proccess.

Nah it was mostly the presence of cheap labor and proximity to raw materials for supply chains.

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Don’t forget democrat treaties and the desire for slave labor wages also playing into it.

China bribed them by allowing them to pollute freely under the noses of all the hypocritically, corrupt governments that are now claiming man made global warming as an excuse to instill another tax.

No need. They have already lost all of the economic gains they’ve made in the last fifty years.

I heard the news yesterday that China’s economy shrunk for the first time in 40 years.

Shrunk being an understatement.

Name some of those “Democrat treaties” please.

You have more information on this?

Polluted freely?

Isn’t it funny that the push here is to end burdensome environmental regulations?

Again…the doublethink is astounding…call out China for polluting…push for the same to be done here.

Don’t forget the lower business tax rate they have there too. I think it was between 15-25%? Lower than what it was here a decade ago. That can add up to a hell of a lot.

Again doublespeak…demand we follow strict environmental guidelines while buying Chinese.

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That’s just capitalism…right?

What do you want…for China to be held t our standards or for us to be able to sink down to China’s standards?

The things the far right pushes for…seems to suggest the latter over the former.