Able to sue China

Hey…I’m the one that’s been advocating dealing only with representative nations.

While pushing for environmental regulations to be weakened here.

So what do you want…to deal only with representative nations or to loosen regulations so our businesses can pollute and stay here?

What does that even mean?

I don’t necessarily disagree with that statement entirely, but we have been told this is a global problem wouldn’t that mean you go after the biggest emitters instead of countries were emissions have been going down?

It’s like raking the leaves off your yard and then your neighbor walks over and dumps five huge bags of leaves on it when you are finished.

I agree.

But the push here is to make us more like China…not make China more like us.

I haven’t really pushed for deregulation. I just think it’s extremely hypercritical for those that demand we have those strict regulations and then buy Chinese made ■■■■■■■■■■ you think?

It means just that…is that to hard of concept for “some”?

For not the first time I will point out that Australia is not going to stop trading with China.

You have a demented pattern of asking your own question as if the poster you’re responding to said that…and then answering your own fake question. :sunglasses:

No…what we are saying China needs to be on pare with rest of representative nations. If their products come to our shores they must meet the same environmental standards that we set for our industries.

It’s not hypocritical to want cheap stuff while also not wanting Chinese pollution levels in your own neighborhood.

If they want to be the first-world’s trash-heap, that’s fine, I don’t.

It’s extreme hypocritical…congrats. We are done here.

“Representative nation” can mean anything. Explain what you mean.

I’m I dealing with political illiterate?

What’s so difficult in explaining something you said?

I expect certain amount of knowledge from posters that I interact with here.

My mistake.

It was a report on the radio, I haven’t looked into it. Not just some talker though, it sounded very reliable.

I don’t see devastating China as much of a goal. I do see bringing critical manufacturing processes back to the United States as very much of a goal. This disaster has taught us that.

I’ve read that they’re having worst growth in 60 years…but that’s about it. I don’t really expect China to be open and honest with any of their numbers thou.

No they won’t be. They have the tools and knowledge now to rebuild though, and they will.